Friday,  09/20/2024

Dialogue conference between the Secretary of the City Party Committee and the Chairman of the People’s Committee of Lang Son city with the people in the area

On November 2, Lang Son City Party Committee organized a direct dialogue conference between the City Party Secretary and Chairman of the City People’s Committee and the people in the area.

Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Secretary of the City Party Committee Doan Thi Loan speaks at the dialogue with the People

Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Secretary of the City Party Committee Doan Thi Loan; Chairman of the City People’s Committee  Nguyen Van Hanh chaired the dialogue. Attending the conference were members in the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, leaders of wards and communes and a large number of people in the area.

Accordingly, in the first 10 months of 2023, the city’s socio-economic situation develops stably, the number of tourists coming to the area reaches more than 2.7 million, revenue is nearly 1,000 billion VND, increased more than 16% over the same period last year; Budget revenue is estimated at 350 billion VND, reaching 95.8% of the province’s estimate; Site clearance work for projects has been carried out drastically, more than 23 hectares have been handed over to investors to implement projects…

People speak at the dialogue conference

At the conference, in an open and frankly constructive atmosphere, representatives of the people of communes and wards raised many recommendations to send to the heads of party committees and city authorities such as environmental pollution at Lao Ly stream; Treat flooded locations; wastewater drainage in alleys; building cultural houses in city blocks; work to ensure traffic safety and maintain urban roads; Site clearance work for projects…

Regarding the opinions and recommendations of the People and leaders of the City People’s Committee; Leaders of specialized departments and divisions receive information and give specific answers right at the dialogue.

The Secretary of the City Party Committee and Chairman of the City People’s Committee chaired the dialogue conference

Speaking at the conclusion of the conference, the Secretary of the City Party Committee thanked the People for their very frank and constructive comments, demonstrating the responsibility of citizens in the process of building and developing Lang Son city. The opinions at the dialogue conference will be fully received by city leaders and specialized agencies will be directed to continue focusing on effective implementation in the coming time.

At the same time, the Secretary of the City Party Committee also informed a number of key tasks in building the party, building the political system, and implementing the city’s socio-economic development goals in the last 2 months of the year.

The Secretary of the City Party Committee requested all levels of party committees, party members, cadres, civil servants, public employees, and people to uphold the sense of responsibility in preserving the city’s environmental hygiene; support and consensus in site clearance for projects for implementation. The Secretary of the City Party Committee hoped that in the coming time, the city’s Party Committee and authorities at all levels will continue to receive many opinions from the people to contribute to building Lang Son city to develop more rapidly and sustainably.