Friday,  09/20/2024

Isolation Removal in Dinh Lap

(LSO) – At 0 o’clock on August 26, The People’s Committee of Dinh Lap district announced the decision of The People’s Committee of Lang Son province on removing isolation  order in the area of zone 7, Dinh Lap town, Dinh Lap district.

The termination of the quarantine period is implemented according to Decision 1660 / QD-UBND of the Provincial People’s Committee dated August 25, 2020. Accordingly, the medical isolation  removal in the area in zone 7, Dinh Lap town would come in to effect from 0:00 on August 26, 2020.

Leaders of the People’s Committee of Dinh Lap district announced the decision of the Provincial People’s Committee on the termination of the medical isolation in the area of zone 7, Dinh Lap town.

Chairman of the People’s Committee of Dinh Lap district was responsible for coordinating with relevant agencies to continue implementing measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the area of zone 7, Dinh Lap town.

After 21 days of implementing the medical isolation in the area, people’s health conditions in the area of zone 7 had always been stable, the prevention and control of the Covid-10 pandemic had been implemented seriously and effectively. There were no new confirmed cases . The functional forces had removed 4 medical checkpoints in the area of zone 7.  All daily life activities were back to normal.

Functional forces removed medical checkpoints in the area of  zone 7, Dinh Lap town

The area  of Zone 7, Dinh Lap town with 172 households with 619 people started medical isolation when 4 patients (Patients No. 675, 676, 677, 678) were tested positive for the Covid-19 virus on August 5th 2020.

During the quarantine period, the residents of zone 7, Dinh Lap town always received support and assistance from all levels, sectors and the community of the district and the province. People raised their awareness of observing the regulations to fight against the pandemic. During the lockdown period, there were no new cases of Covid-19 confirmed in the area.

Although the quarantine  order has been removed, local people still strictly implement measures such as wearing protective face masks when going out, regularly washing hands with soap to collaborate with the community to contain the pandemic.