Friday,  09/20/2024

Effectively promote the model of groups and clubs to build happy families

(LSO) – Due to the fact that domestic violence tends to increase, fine traditional cultural values ​​in the family are gradually fading, the Provincial Steering Committee for Family Affairs has had many solutions, in which maintaining and promoting the effectiveness of the model of groups, clubs to build happy families in order to preserve the fine traditional cultural values ​​of Vietnamese families.

Once a month, nearly 40 members of the club for the sustainable development families in zone I, Na Sam town, Van Lang district, gather. Ms. Tran Thi Sam, Club Manager said: “Every year, we promote propaganda in many forms including through club activities, seminars, culture and music activities, praising typically  happy families. As a result, 100% of club members are cultural families.”

Members of the Family Club for Sustainable Development at Ban Lang Village, Bac Viet Commune, Van Lang District performed a play at a seminar to learn about family knowledge of the commune.

Ms. Dang Thi Hien, Head of the Culture – Information Division, Van Lang district, said: “The whole district has established 15 models of family clubs and 75 groups of domestic violence prevention and control in 15 communes and towns. Each club has from 25 to 50 members. Participating in club activities, people have increased knowledge of building a happy family, gender equality, domestic violence prevention…”

In addition to Van Lang, Chi Lang district is also a place to effectively build group and club models with 21 models of happy family clubs and more than 78 groups to prevent domestic violence. Many models have been effective in building cultural life. Typically, the happy family club in Dong Mo town which was established in 2018, the club attracts more than 50 members and the special thing is that 90% of the members of the club are married couples. Ms. Vi Thi Nga – club member said: “Joining the club not only helps me raise awareness and build a happier family, but also learns from the economic development experiences of families in the neighborhood. Previously, my life was difficult, after studying and gaining experiences from other club members, my husband and I know how to do the business, therefore, my family is economically stable.”

Together with Van Lang and Chi Lang, the model of sustainable happy family club has been replicated and promoted in districts and city. Depending on the location, family models have different names such as Happy Family Club, Sustainable Development Family, Club of Men Saying No to Domestic Violence, Group of Women building happiness and helping each other gain income … Almost all families and members participating in the models, clubs voluntarily contribute to their mutual club fund.

Mr. Nguyen Phuc Ha, Director of the Department of Culture – Sports and Tourism, said: “As the Standing agency of the Provincial Steering Committee for Family Affairs, the department has actively guided and coordinated with relevant levels, sectors and unions to implement the tasks of family affairs; in which focusing on building and developing models of family groups and clubs. Participating in group activities, member clubs were propagated, supported and consulted on family life-related issues by all levels and branches. Since then, the groups and clubs have become a bridge between the people and the Party, the government and grassroots organizations and unions.

The members of the Family Club for Sustainable Development in Dong Mo town, Chi Lang district performed a play at the seminar to learn about family knowledge.

In order to maintain and promote effectively the model of groups, clubs, every year, the Provincial Steering Committee for Family Affairs strengthens the direction and guidance of the grassroots Steering Committee to propagate and widely deploy family affairs to the model clubs. At the same time, more than 1,000 documents are printed and distributed guiding the operation of models and clubs to 200 communes, wards and towns. In particular, one of the contents deployed in the model of clubs is to organize propaganda activities in response to the International Happy Day March 20th. Accordingly, every year, clubs organize activities on this day integrating with diversified contents such as cultural and performances exchanges, plays, seminars, forums, competitions, and painting, photo, book or movie exhibitions on the topic of happiness …

In addition, every year, the Provincial Steering Committee opens from 3 to 5 training courses on integrated propaganda on supporting to improve the quality of content of family affairs activities for thousands of trainees who are the leaders of village, street blocks and the managers of the group models, the happy family clubs in 11 districts and cities. At the same time, the Steering Committee at all levels mobilizes more socialized resources from the people to maintain and develop the models both in terms of quality and quantity, contributing to the building of the cultural families, improving the cultural life of the residential area.

Through groups and club models, the people’s awareness of building a happy family, domestic violence prevention and control has been raised. Thanks to that, the number and quality of cultural families in the province is increasing year by year. Particularly in 2020, the whole province has 158,249 / 195,833 households recognized as cultural families, reaching 80.8% (up 2.4% compared to 2019).

In 2021, in order to effectively organize activities to celebrate the International Day of Happiness with the theme “Love and sharing”, the Steering Committee for Family Affairs from the province to grassroots levels, branches and unions propagated to all classes of the people, family groups and clubs to respond with many practical activities such as cultural, performance and sports exchanges,… in accordance with the conditions of Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control.

Promoting the achieved results, in the coming time, the Provincial Steering Committee for Family Affairs will continue to guide the grassroots to maintain and promote the effectiveness of the group and club model activities as well as promote its role and promote activities to connect the community, associating the task of building a happy family, sustainable development with domestic violence prevention and control.

Currently, the whole province has 152 models; 775 “Families for sustainable development” clubs, attracting more than 17,500 families; 775 domestic violence prevention groups with about 20,000 members; 306 “Happy Family” clubs (an increase of 80 clubs compared to 2019) with more than 7,600 members. The operation of the models has been regularly maintained according to the direction and guidance of the Central Level, ensuring practical content, in accordance with the actual requirements of the locality.