Friday,  09/20/2024

Strengthening the prevention and control of Covid-19 epidemic in border area

(LSO) – Facing the complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic, on February 15, 2021 (ie the 4th day of the Lunar New Year), the leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee of Lang Son province instructed related agencies and units to urgently take preventive measures against epidemic in border area. Accordingly, the forces need to tighten the medical control process, and at the same time ensure the smooth clearance of goods.

After the Lunar New Year holiday in 2021, on February 18 (January 7), there was a large number of trucks carrying goods to the province’s border gates, mainly to Huu Nghi International Border Gate and Tan Thanh Border Gate to carry out import and export activities.

Mr. Dang Viet Truong, Director of the Provincial International Medical Quarantine Center, said: “At this time, although the number of people and vehicles at the border gates is not large, but due to the complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic and following the instructions of the Provincial People’s Committee, from the Lunar New Year holiday up to now, the Center has coordinated with the forces at the border to strictly implement the medical control process for the drivers of vehicles in and out border area.”

Functional forces checked the body temperature of drivers carrying exported goods through Huu Nghi International Border Gate

Accordingly, 5 quarantine posts at the border gates of Huu Nghi, Dong Dang International Railway Station, Chi Ma, Tan Thanh, Coc Nam have been restored. The force at these posts strictly measures the body temperature of the owners and the drivers when entering and leaving the parking lot. Along with that, as soon as entering the parking lot at the border gate, the owner and the drivers must make a declaration of epidemiological history (name, address, from which locality, to which locality …).

Mr. Hoang Van Quyet, Deputy Head of the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son Border Gate Economic Zone, said: “In recent days, because the number of drivers in the specialized driver team at the border gates back to work is quite small, therefore the amount of customs clearance for export cargo vehicles during the day is not much. For this reason, there are a number of trucks that have to stay at the parking lot and carry out daily activities in the parking area at the border gates. To prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic, the Management Board has directed the border management centers to actively coordinate with the border guards, the international medical quarantine team, parking business units …, to manage the flow of transport of goods in and out. Along with that, the classification and separation of groups of drivers and owners from localities which cases of Covid-19 detected for easy control. In addition, the forces at the border gates also regularly inspect and propagate to the drivers and owners to avoid gathering in crowded groups in the border area, as well as to strictly wear masks.

Not only strictly implementing the medical control process, during the past time, in order to prevent Covid-19 from abroad entering Vietnam, the border guards at border gates have systematically deployed measures and arranged forces to be on duty 24/24 at posts on the border line in order to tightly control trails, openings, prevent illegal entry and exit.

In the coming days, the number of people and vehicles transporting exported goods to the provincial border gates will increase higher, while the drivers and owners will come from different localities with complicated moving history. Therefore, the strict implementation of measures to prevent and control epidemic in the border area will contribute to preventing the risk of infection.