Saturday,  09/21/2024

Women in Lang Son city contributing to a green – clean – beautiful environment

  – “The Women’s Union of Lang Son city is a typical unit with many practical and creative models in building a green – clean – beautiful environment. Thereby, it helps to affirm the role of women, spreading meaningful works in the community, contributing to building a civilized urban”. – Ms. Truong Thi Hao, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial Women’s Union assessed.

From used plastic bottles, cans of detergent, dishwashing liquid, from May 2021, the women of Block 10, Tam Thanh ward have taken advantage of these thing to grow flowers at home and build the model of “Women’s flower garden” at the cultural house of the block. Ms. Nguyen Tai Viet Thanh, Chairwoman of the Ward Women’s Union said: “As the ward with the largest number of members in the city with more than 1,700 members, 9 branches, we regularly propagate for members to participate in environmental protection work. At 9/9 branches, there are practical models such as flower garden; using environmental-friendly bags, bringing along personal bag to the market; limiting the use of plastic bags, recycling plastic… Thereby, contribute to building a green – clean – beautiful urban environment.”

Not only in Tam Thanh ward, 100% of women’s unions in the city have also maintained and built over 40 models of women protecting the environment. Specifically, the models include bringing along personal bag to the market, flower routes, women’s flower gardens, recycled Ecobrich brick flower beds, eco-friendly bags, glass bottles instead of plastic bottles. The activities of the models have made practical contributions to protecting the environment and building a civilized urban.

Members of Women’s Union at Block 10, Tam Thanh Ward are taking care of “women’s flower garden”

In order for members to actively participate in building a green – clean – beautiful environment, the city’s women’s unions have associated with the campaign “Building a family of 5 no, 3 clean, 3 safe”. At the same time, they promote the integration of environmental protection propaganda into the activities of the branches. Ms. Nguyen Thi Nu, member of the Women’s Union of Phai Duoc village, Mai Pha commune said: “Through many propaganda sessions of women’s unions at all levels on environmental protection, I have improved my knowledge. I clearly understand the meaning of environmental protection, thereby mobilizing my family to implement and maintain “clean house, clean kitchen, clean alley”. At the same time, actively participate in environmental sanitation activities in my village and commune.”

The highlight in the environmental protection work of the city’s women’s unions at all levels is the flexibility in choosing propaganda content and building models suitable for each locality. Ms. Tran Thi Bich Huong, Chairwoman of the City Women’s Union said: “Currently, we are managing over 12,600 members, 11 affiliated associations. Determining the role of environmental protection, we have directed the branches to carry out the appropriate work. As a result, each branch has promoted the role of women in building a green – clean – beautiful environment. Specifically, women in 5 wards have made green – clean – beautiful civilized streets, cultural house spaces; those in 3 communes have maintained the planting of flowers and trees, contributing to the enhanced new rural development, a model residential area; Women’s Union of the Dong Kinh and Ky Lua markets have limited the use of plastic bags in trading goods…”

From the propaganda, choosing to build a practical model, the awareness of members is enhanced. Right from the family, members collect and sort household waste, minimize the use of disposable plastic products, replace, prioritize the selection of recycled and environmentally friendly products. At the same time, they actively participate in environmental sanitation activities, remove ads and leaflets in civilized streets, maintain green Saturdays and Sundays, women’s self-managed routes. From 2020 up to now, the city’s women’s unions have organized more than 200 general cleaning sessions, taking care of flower beds, planting more than 5,400 square meters of flower path, attracting over 9,500 members to participate.

In addition, at all levels, the city’s women’s unions also attached signs of typical households in “Building a family of 5 no, 3 clean, 3 safe”. Currently, the whole city has more than 550 households with these signs, thereby becoming an example, spreading the model family in the community, well implementing the criteria, including the 3 clean criteria related to environmental protection.

With many practical and meaningful activities in environmental protection, the city’s women’s unions have actively contributed to building a civilized urban, maintaining and improving environmental criteria in new rural development. At present, the city has 68 civilized urban streets, 2 communes meeting advanced new rural standards and 6 as recognized model new rural residential areas.

Thereby, it contributes to affirming the role and improving the quality of the association’s activities. In 2020, the City Women’s Union received a certificate of merit from the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women’s Union for its outstanding achievements in implementing the emulation movement and the union’s tasks.