Friday,  09/20/2024

Socialization to ensure educational facilities

– In response to the province’s difficult economic conditions and the limited state budget on education, over the time, the province’s education and training sector has actively socialized to equip educational facilities for schools n the area.

Implementing the motto “The Government and people work together”, the provincial education and training sector has directed educational units and schools to promote educational socialization and has achieved many positive results for many years. Every year, educational institutions and schools develop plans on educational socialization in accordance with the actual conditions of each locality ưith the aim to thereby effectively mobilize investment resources for education.

To understand the the educational socialization, we went to Phi My Kindergarten, Tri Phuong commune, Trang Dinh district. Ms. Nong Bich Thao, the school’s principal showed the new classroom which were were put into use two years ago and said: Phi My Kindergarten was just established in 2017, with many shortages. In the school year 2018 – 2019, through socialization, the school collected 350 million VND and mobilized people to contribute working days to build a new classroom, a kitchen at the main school site and a toilet at Ban Bo school site.

Inauguration ceremony of kindergarten classrooms at Kha Ha school, Vu Le commune, Bac Son district (built from socialization sources)

It is true that Phi My Kindergarten is not only one example of socialization, in the past 5 years, the education and training sector of Trang Dinh district has socialized and received more than VND 5 billion to invest in construction, repairing and renovating classrooms, kitchens and school toilets… in the area

In general, the effectiveness of educational socialization activities in the province in recent years has been confirmed with the construction of school and classrooms via financial support from organizations and individuals. According to the Provincial Department of Education and Training, since the school year 2016-2017, the provincial education and training sector has mobilized more than VND 136 billion; encouraged people to donate more than 39,000 m2 of land and support over 556,000 free working days to construct schools and classrooms, purchase school equipment, cooking utensils and educational toys.

There should be mentioned a number of units that have well implemented the socialization in education in the period 2016-2021 in the province such as: Lang Son city’s education and training sector mobilized over VND 12.6 billion and many working days; Van Quan district’s education and training sector mobilized organizations, benefactors and individuals to support nearly VND 14 billion and donated nearly 5,000 m2 of land and thousands of free working days.

Thanks to the share between local people’s contribution and the state budget in education, many schools and classrooms have been built and renovated more spaciously, making contribution to better meet the requirements of teaching and learning.

Mr. Ho Cong Liem, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Education and Training said: Thanks to the effective implementation of educational socialization, facilities for schools are provided because the state capital is still limited. However, to implement education socialization more successfully, in the coming time, educational units and schools which implement educational socialization need to describe clearly socialized sources; strictly follow the directives of the Department of Education and Training and the Ministry of Education and Training on revenues and expenditures in schools to avoid abusing socialization. The educational socialization must ensure democracy and transparency and allow parents to discuss, participate in and investigate.

Currently, it is recorded the whole province has 675 units and schools of which 232 are recognized as national standard schools, an increase of 68 schools compared to the school year 2016-2017. Most of the schools were supplied with equipment.