Friday,  09/20/2024

Honoring 60 typical groups and individuals in the voluntary blood donation movement

– On the evening of July 16, the Central Organizing Committee of the Red Journey in collaboration with the Provincial Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation (VBD) held a ceremony to honor typical groups, individuals and families in the VBD movement during the 2016 -2020 period and the opening of the Red Journey in 2021.

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for Blood Donation Mobilization; Associate Professor – Dr. Nguyen Ha Thanh, Deputy Director of the Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee for National Red Journey in 2021 and 60 typical groups, individuals and families in the VBD movement and a large number of officials, civil servants, public employees, armed forces and volunteers attended.

Mr.  Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee of Lang Son Red Journey 2021 delivered the opening speech at the ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, acknowledged and highly appreciated the province’s VBD movement, which has created a strong influence in society and been increasingly deepened. He suggested that each group and individual should participate in blood donation, mobilize blood donation for a healthy community, always prepare enough blood for emergency and treatment of patients. The members of the Provincial Steering Committee for the Blood Donation Mobilization in the province, Party committees and authorities at all levels needed to focus on doing well the propaganda about the noble purpose and meaning of the VBD movement. Along with that, the Steering Committee for VBD at all levels also needed to well organize blood donation locations and donate blood regularly. Every year, they should organize a preliminary review, overall review and honor collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements so that the VBD movement in the province can be developing more and more sustainably.

Mr.  Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, together with the leader of the Provincial Red Cross presented certificates of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and honoring trophies to individuals with outstanding achievements in campaigning and participating in voluntary blood donation for the period 2016-2021

Mr.  Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee awarded the certificate of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee to groups and families with excellent achievements in campaigning and participating in voluntary blood donation in the 2016 period. – 2021

The Organizing Committee of the Red Journey offered incense to pay tribute to Uncle Ho at the memorial site of President Ho Chi Minh

At the ceremony, leaders of sectors, mass organizations, units and typical blood donors shared their knowledge about VBD, experience in propaganda and mobilization of civil servants and public employees participating in VBD.

On this occasion, 60 groups and individuals (18 groups, 2 families and 40 individuals) received certificates of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for their outstanding achievements in the VBD movement in the 2016-2020 period.

Previously, the Organizing Committee offered incense to pay tribute to Uncle Ho at the memorial site of President Ho Chi Minh in Lang Son city.