Friday,  09/20/2024

The provincial delegation presented gifts to the families of Agent Orange victim

– On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Agent Orange disaster (August 10, 1961 – August 10, 2021), on July 30, the provincial delegation led by Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee visited and presented gifts to Agent Orange victims in Chi Lang district, Huu Lung.

The delegation visited, encouraged and presented gifts to four families of Agent Orange victims including the families of Mr. Nguyen Viet Tranh, Ngoc Thanh village, Dong Tan commune; Mr. Nguyen Cong Khai, Ca Ngoai village, Minh Son commune, Huu Lung district; Mr. Nong Van Teo, Ga Nam area, Dong Mo town, and Mrs. Nguyen Thi Nha, Lang Nac village, Mai Sao commune, Chi Lang district.

Previously, at the hall of the People’s Committee of Huu Lung district, the provincial delegation also presented 13 gifts to the Agent Orange victims in Huu Lung district. Each direct gift for Agent Orange victims is worth 500,000 VND and each indirect gift is worth 300,000 VND.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, presents gifts to Mr. Nong Van Teo’s family

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, presents gifts to Agent Orange victims in Huu Lung district.

Mr.  Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, presents gifts to Agent Orange victim Nguyen Viet Tranh

At destinations, on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People’s Council, Provincial People’s Committee, Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee expressed his deep gratitude to the Agent Orange victims who sacrificed their lives and youth for the national independence, freedom and reunification. He wished that the Agent Orange victims would continue to promote the qualities and spirit of Uncle Ho’s soldiers to overcome difficulties, diseases, and orange pain in their lives.

It is known that on this occasion, the Provincial People’s Committee has allocated 66 gifts to Chi Lang district (37 gifts for direct Agent Orange victims and 29 gifts for indirect ones), 67 gifts for Huu Lung district, of which, 35 gifts are given to direct Agent Orange victims and 32 gift for indirect ones.

* On the same day, the provincial delegation led by Mr. Dinh Huu Hoc, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council, visited and presented gifts to the families of Agent Orange victims in Trang Dinh and Van Lang districts.

The delegation visited and encouraged the families of Agent Orange victims including the families of Mr. Ha Ngoan, zone 2 and Mr. Chu Xuan Diep, zone 5, That Khe town (Trang Dinh); Mr. Luong Tien Nam, Ban Lech village, Bac Hung commune, and Mr. Chu Truong Phi, from Ban Lang village, Bac Viet commune (Van Lang).

At the families, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council expressed his sympathy and deep sharing with the difficulties of the victims and families of the Agent Orange victims and expected the families to promote the spirit of self-reliance, overcoming difficulties in their life.

Mr. Dinh Huu Hoc, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council presents gifts to the family of Agent Orange victim in Trang Dinh

Mr. Dinh Huu Hoc, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council presents gifts to Mr. Ha Ngoan’s family

Mr.  Dinh Huu Hoc, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council presents gifts to Mr. Chu Truong Phi’s family

During the program, the delegation presented 56 gifts, including 23 gifts for direct victims, 33 gifts for indirect victims of Agent Orange in Trang Dinh district and 53 gifts, including 26 gifts for direct victims, 27 gifts for indirect victims of Agent Orange in Van Lang district. In which, each gift for direct victims is worth 500,000 VND, each gift for indirect victims is worth 300,000 VND.