Friday,  09/20/2024

Opening of the 5th National Nuclear Regulatory Conference

On the morning of August 24, at The Pride event center, Lang Son city, the Ministry of Science and Technology coordinated with the People’s Committee of Lang Son province to organize the 5th National Nuclear Regulatory Conference. Attending the opening ceremony of the conference were Mr. Huynh Thanh Dat Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Science and Technology; Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee.

Mr. Huynh Thanh Dat, Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Science and Technology spoke at the opening session

The conference was attended by nearly 400 delegates representing relevant ministries and sectors; representatives of units under the Ministry of Science and Technology, Departments of Science and Technology of provinces and cities across the country; scientist in the field of atomic energy.

From 2020 to now, state management of radiation safety, nuclear security and development of atomic energy applications have achieved remarkable results. The production of radiopharmaceuticals has met the needs of hospitals and medical facilities; environmental radiation monitoring activities are being focused and implemented. Up to now, there are 55 provinces and cities nationwide that have approved provincial-level incident response plans.

Atomic energy is increasingly widely applied, contributing to the general development of the economy – society. In early 2022, the national program framework on technical cooperation between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Vietnam for the period of 2022 – 2027 was signed as the basis for the development of radiation applications and nuclear techniques to keep up with world progress.

Speaking at the opening session of the conference, Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Dat emphasized: In addition to the achieved results, the state management of nuclear radiation safety still has some shortcomings such as: the infrastructure for radiation safety and nuclear security has not met the requirements according to IAEA standards.

At this conference, the Minister hoped that managers, scientists, and facilities operating in the field of atomic energy would openly exchange and share about the current state of management work, results of the implementation of recommendations from the 4th Legislative Conference; focus on reviewing and proposing solutions to improve the legal corridor in ensuring radiation and nuclear safety, in which attention should be paid to the amendment of the Law on Atomic Energy in the coming time; discuss solutions to perfect the provincial incident response plan and organize drills according to regulations; complete the national environmental radiation monitoring system, in which, build a national network of radiation monitoring and data on radioactive background.

Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Dat awarded certificates of merit to collectives with outstanding achievements in the management of radiation safety and security of radioactive sources in 2020 – 2022

The 5th National Nuclear Regulatory Conference took place from August 24 to August 26. Here, delegates will discuss and contribute ideas on the state management of radiation and nuclear safety; response to radiation and nuclear incidents; environmental radiation; radioactive applications in medicine and industry. From there, delegates propose solutions and plans to enhance the effectiveness of state management in the field of radiation and nuclear safety.

At the opening ceremony, the Minister of Science and Technology awarded certificates of merit to 13 collectives and 8 individuals with outstanding achievements in the management of radiation safety and security of radioactive sources in 2020 – 2022.

After the opening ceremony, the Minister of Science and Technology, leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee inspected the construction progress of the environmental radiation monitoring station of Lang Son province and visited border marker No. 1116, Huu Nghi International Border Gate.

Minister of Science and Technology, leaders of Provincial People’s Committee visited border marker No.1116