Friday,  09/20/2024

Bac Son: Exciting activities towards the anniversary of the uprising

On the occasion of the 82nd anniversary of Bac Son Uprising (September 27, 1940 – September 27, 2022), agencies, units and people of Bac Son district have been actively organizing activities towards the anniversary of this historic event.

On August 16, 2022, Bac Son District People’s Committee issued Plan No. 227/KH-UBND on organizing activities to celebrate the 82nd anniversary of Bac Son Uprising Day, the implementation period is from early September to September 27, 2022. Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thieu, Chairman of Bac Son District People’s Committee said: According to the plan, the district organizes activities such as: propagandizing and educating historical traditions, visiting and giving gifts to pre-insurrection cadres and a number of policy families and people with typical meritorious services; go back to the source activities; sports competitions, mass art shows, etc. To be effective, the District People’s Committee assigns departments, agencies, units, and mass organizations to direct the People’s Committees of communes and townships to organize the implementation of activities according to the plan.

Officers of the Bac Son Uprising Museum cut bonsai trees in the museum grounds

Based on the above plan, all levels, sectors, communes and towns in Bac Son district have actively implemented specific activities. Mr. Pham Ba Hanh, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Dong Y Commune, Bac Son District said: Towards the 82nd anniversary of Bac Son Uprising Day, the commune has been organizing a peak propaganda campaign for people to better understand this historical event. Regarding the following activities, the commune organized a volleyball tournament, with 12 teams from villages and schools. . Along with that, commune also established a 30-member art team, practicing 5 performances to attend the district’s art festival, scheduled to take place from September 25 to September 26…

Similar to Dong Y commune, communes, towns, sectors and unions of the district have been organizing activities in response to the 82nd anniversary of Bac Son uprising day. For example, Bac Son District Youth Union organized a youth football tournament, from September 6 to September 11, with the participation of 20 teams from communes, towns and units in the area. At the same time, the unit organized incense offerings, flower offerings, mobilized youth union members to take care of trees and clear them at revolutionary historical sites such as Tam Canh pass, Nong Luc communal house, Mo Nhai Fort, Bac Son Uprising Museum…

In addition, the Fatherland Front Committees of Bac Son district and its member organizations also organized many meaningful activities and tasks to celebrate this historic event. Mrs. Trieu Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Fatherland Front Committee of Bac Son district said: Carrying out the 82-year propaganda campaign on Bac Son Uprising Day, from the beginning of September 2022 to present, The Fatherland Front system in the district has propagated 97 times, attracting more than 5,600 listeners; at the same time, mobilized the People to contribute 1 billion VND, nearly 5,600 working days to build a new countryside. Notably, the district Fatherland Front Committee coordinated with all levels and sectors to inaugurate 3 welcome works including: 2 buildings of great solidarity in Chien Thang and Tan Lap communes; 1 classroom in Tan Tri commune.

In which, the house of Mrs. Trieu Thi Nhi’s family, Binh An village, Chien Thang commune, Bac Son district was inaugurated and handed over on September 14, the house is one of the works to celebrate the 82nd anniversary of Bac Son uprising day. Mrs. Nhi is excited: In the past, my family lived in a run down house, the family was poor and could not afford to repair it. With the financial support of the Provincial People’s Procuracy, the Commune Fatherland Front and the help of brothers and sisters, the family has been living in a spacious house so far. I thank the agencies and neighbors for their help so that the family can have this new house.

It can be affirmed that, towards the 82nd anniversary of the September 27 uprising, Bac Son district has been organizing many practical and meaningful activities. The activities not only arouse pride in historical traditions, express gratitude to the ancestors, but also strengthen the people’s confidence in the Party’s guidelines, policies and laws of the State, strengthen the great unity of the whole people, encourage the entire Party Committee, government and people to continue to successfully carry out political tasks and socio-economic development goals in the local.