Friday,  09/20/2024

Dialogue conference between the Prime Minister and Vietnamese women

On the morning of October 15, in Hanoi, the Government in collaboration with the Vietnam Women’s Union (WU) organized an online dialogue conference between the Prime Minister and Vietnamese women with the theme “Promoting gender equality” and the role of women in socio-economic development”.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered a congratulatory speech on Vietnam Women’s Day October 20

Attending the dialogue were Mr. Pham Minh Chinh, Member of the Politburo, Prime Minister; leaders of a number of ministries, central commissions, sectors, mass organizations and more than 5,000 typical officials, members of the WU and women in various fields in 63 provinces and centrally-run cities across the country.

Attending the conference in Lang Son province were Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; leaders of a number of provincial departments, commissions, sectors and mass organizations; leaders of Women’s Unions of 10 districts and Lang Son city; representatives of some cooperatives and groups managed and operated by women in the province.

With the attention of the Party and State and the continuous effort of women, thw work of women and gender equality have achieved important achievements over the past time. Women’s Unions at all levels across the country have actively encouraged their members and women to participate in emulation movements and campaigns launched by all levels and sectors. At the same time, they have also better performed their function of taking care of and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of women and children.

In Lang Son province, in recent years, gender equality work has always received attention from Party committees and authorities at all levels. Women’s Unions at all levels continued to specify emulation movements and campaigns, attracting a large number of officials and members to participate. For example, in the first 9 months of 2022, all levels of women’s unions in the province have recruited 1,542 new members, contributing to the total number of their members in the province to more than 140 thousand; fostered 272 orphans due to COVID-19 and other causes; mobilized their officials and members to donate more than 200 million VND, contributed to the construction and repair of 22 houses “Shelter of Love”…

Mr. Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee presents flowers and gifts to female delegates attending the conference in the province

Within the agenda of the conference, the Prime Minister, leaders of central ministries and sectors talked with female representatives in locations on three major issues including women and economic development; women and issues of social welfare, gender equality; women and future generations. In which, there are specific issues such as solutions to support women in economic development, start-up, participating in the collective economic model; expanding the number of eligible women for loans; promoting the role of women in new rural development; promoting gender equality in science and technology; supporting to screen some common cancers in women; rates, mechanisms and policies to encourage female officials; legal support for returning migrant women; maternity policy for female employees; parenting program…

Speaking at the conference, on behalf of the leaders of the Party and State, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh sent his best wishes to the grandmothers, mothers, sisters and girls on the occasion of the 92nd anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam Women’s Union and Vietnamese Women’s Day October 20. The Prime Minister affirmed the important role of Vietnamese women in all fields of social life, he suggested that in the coming time, all levels and sectors should continue to promote the role and improve the status of women, promote gender equality, and it was the responsibility of the whole political system to take care of women.

He also assigned specific tasks to ministries, sectors and localities to collect and review the questions and recommendations of delegates at the dialogue to propose adjustments and development of mechanisms and policies to help women develop in all aspects, ensure the legitimate rights for women. He asked the Vietnam Women’s Union to effectively implement the directives and resolutions of the Party; to mobilize women to actively participate in related emulation movements and programs.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister presented gifts to 10 typical women who have excellent achievements in the implementation of the Government’s projects (Project “Propaganda, education, mobilization and support for women participating in solving some social issues related to women in the period 2017-2027” and the Project “Supporting women to start-up in the period of 2017-2025”). Especially, there was one WU member of Lang Son province in Chi Lang commune, Chi Lang district receiving the gift.

After the conference, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered a congratulatory speech on Vietnamese Women’s Day on October 20, presented flowers and gifts to female delegates attending the conference in the province.