Friday,  09/20/2024

Teacher Le Thi Huyen Diep – A typical example of a teacher

Teacher Le Thi Huyen Diep, born in 1982, is working at the Provincial Ethnic Boarding High School, Lang Son City. She is always praised by colleagues and students as a diligent, dedicated person in guiding generations of students.

Teacher Le Thi Huyen Diep

Ms. Le Thi Huyen Diep was born and raised in Binh Gia district. In 2006, after graduating from the Physics Department, Hanoi National University of Education 1, she worked as a teacher at Binh Gia High School, Binh Gia District. From 2010 to now, she has been assigned to work at the Provincial Ethnic Boarding High School.

As soon as she graduated from high school and started teaching, she researched in documents, books, and learned experiences from colleagues to improve her professional knowledge and hone her pedagogical skills for a better way of teaching. Once she has a good expertise, she always finds new teaching methods for each lecture to make it easier for students to understand. At the same time, as a teacher who teaches in a particular environment, all students’ activities take place at school, Ms. Diep always pays close attention to her students, listens to their thought, feeling, thinking ability, students’ awareness of learning and responsibility in activities.

Ms. Le Thi Huyen Diep said: “In my lessons, I always try to convey in the way that students can absorb and memorize the lesson in the class, with examples related to local realities, close to daily life. I also organized small games in each class to help reduce pressure for students when studying Physics.

With many teaching methods and innovation in testing and evaluation towards capacity development for students, in line with the characteristics of the subject, her teaching results in Physics always meet and exceed the target set at the beginning of the year. In the last 5 school years, she has 38 students winning prizes in the provincial exam for excellent students.

Tran The Duy, a student of grade 12A2 said: “Physics is a rather difficult subject, but when I study with Ms. Diep, I find it very easy to understand. In addition, she always cares and encourages us to study well.”

Moreover, Ms. Diep always wants to share her knowledge and experience in the process of teaching and training students, Ms. Diep often writes experience initiatives for the reference of her colleagues. From the school year 2017 – 2018 until now, she has had 5 experience initiatives recognized by the Science Council and the Department of Education and Training and effectively applied at the grassroots level.

Ms. Vuong Xuan Thuan, Principal of the Provincial Ethnic Boarding High School, said: “Ms. Le Thi Huyen Diep is one of the leading teachers in all school activities, with good expertise and she is reputable with colleagues, a shining example for colleagues and students to follow.”

With her constant efforts, over the years, Ms. Le Thi Huyen Diep has received many certificates of merit from all levels and sectors. In particular, in November 2022, she was awarded a certificate of merit by the Prime Minister for her outstanding achievements in education and training, contributing to the cause of building socialism and defending the Fatherland.