Friday,  09/20/2024

Learning from Uncle Ho to self-examine and train yourself every day

“As a police officer, I myself always remember and deeply engrave Uncle Ho’s teachings, considering it as a guideline for all actions and a mirror to reflect and train myself every day.” – That is shared by Captain Trieu Van San, Secretary of the Party cell, Chief of Police of Doi Can commune, Trang Dinh district.

Captain Trieu Van San was born in 1990, from Vinh Tien commune, Trang Dinh district. He used to work at the General Public Security Division of Trang Dinh district; From April 2020 until now, he has worked at Doi Can Commune Police and held the position of Chief of Commune Police.

Captain Trieu Van San propagated and disseminated the provisions of the law to people in the area

Captain Trieu Van San shared: In my opinion, studying and following Uncle Ho’s example is not far away, but in work and daily life. As a police officer, I always remember Uncle Ho’s teachings such as: “Our police are the People’s Public Security Forces, serving the people for the people, relying on the people to work”. In that spirit, I often go to villages and hamlets to meet, contact and grasp the aspirations and thoughts of the People, thereby strengthening the spirit of solidarity and sticking with the people to serve well the propaganda, advocacy and police work aspects.

In the spirit of “working on the basis of the people”, he is always ready to receive and promptly deal with news reports and denunciations of crimes of the people and security and order incidents occurring in the area. Typically, on January 27, 2022, in the area of Doi Can commune, there was an incident where a subject used a gun to injure two citizens in the area, then fled into the forest, then to China. During 18 days from the incident to the time the subject was arrested (from January 27 to February 13, 2022), Captain San stood side by side with the forces, participating in 18 reconnaissance areas of border forests, caves, trails, open routes and 25 guard shifts at the home of the subject and the victim’s family, contributing to ensuring the safety of the people and successfully arresting the subject.

Not only the above case, in the past 3 years, he and the Doi Can Commune Police division presided over and coordinated to verify and clarify 3 criminal cases, including:  1 murder; 1 case of organizing the illegal departure of other people abroad; 1 property theft. Along with that, administrative handling of 6 cases of property theft, gambling, illegal forest exploitation …

Captain San and the Doi Can Commune Police division also went to the villages and hamlets day and night to meet with the people to collect and review population data to ensure that it was “correct, sufficient, clean and alive”; mobilized people to make citizenship identification to ensure progress. Up to now, 872/872 people in the area have synchronized information on the national population data system.

Captain San shared: During my work and in daily life, I always remember 6 things Uncle Ho taught the People’s Public Security: “For oneself, it must be thrifty, honest and righteous. For colleagues, it must be willing to give a helping hand. For the Government, it must be absolutely loyal. For the people, it must have respect. For work, it must be dedicated”, Uncle Ho’s teachings are a guideline for all actions, helping me to self-reflect, correct myself, and practice every day to become more mature, to fulfill my assigned tasks well, for the peace and happiness of the People.

Mr. Trieu Van Dan, Secretary of the Party cell, Chief of Nam Khoang village, Doi Can commune said: The Chief of the Commune Public Security worked very diligently and responsibly, the cases were received and resolved in a timely manner, the security situation in the area had a positive change. We are very confident and assured for that.

Senior Colonel Luong Thanh Binh, Chief of the Trang Dinh District Police Division assessed: Mr. San is a young, dynamic captain who is always stick close to the area, promptly solve arising cases, advise on effective implementation of measures to ensure security at the grassroots. His contributions and achievements were recognized and appreciated by the Party committees, local authorities and people.

With his efforts in crime prevention and control and emulation movements, Captain Trieu Van San has been commended and rewarded by all levels and sectors. In 2022, he was awarded a certificate of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, a certificate of merit from the Youth Union of the Ministry of Public Security; was proposed for the Prime Minister’s Certificate of Merit for outstanding and unexpected achievements in crime prevention and control. In February 2023, he was honored to be selected to represent the commune police force nationwide to attend the Art Exchange Program “75 years of engraving Uncle Ho’s words” organized by the Department of Party and Political Work, Ministry of Public Security in Hanoi.