Friday,  09/20/2024

Spreading the movement “Soldier’s smile”, multiplying the beautiful image of People’s Police force

After 2 years of implementation, the “Soldier’s smile” movement has created a strong change in the awareness and actions of officers and soldiers about building a friendly, open, civilized and polite image of Lang Son People’s Police force serving the people, effectively contributing to building this force in the new situation.

At the Traffic Police Division of the Provincial Public Security Department, which regularly interacts with people and solves their problems, the movement “Soldier’s smile” with specific contents and models has been created. Colonel Duong Van Toan, Head of the Traffic Police Division of the Provincial Public Security Department said: “In order to specify the movement, the division assigned the Youth Union of the unit to build the model “Young Traffic Police with the smile in service”; we directed professional teams to implement  this models associated with their professional tasks, for example “Every traffic police officer and soldier is an example of encouraging and following traffic culture”; “The Traffic Police will be anywhere people need; the Traffic Police will help anyone who are in trouble”… Through these, it has contributed to improving the working style, discipline and behavior of officers and soldiers, creating satisfaction among the people.

The leader of Hoang Van Thu ward police in Lang Son city guides people to do administrative procedures

The “Soldier’s smile” movement was planned by the Provincial Public Security Department from April 2021 and opened on May 6, 2021. The movement sets out the motto “5 please, 5 always” when the police force communicates, behaves and works with organizations and individuals, including hello, thank you, excuse me, sorry, ask to provide information; always smiling, always being gentle, always listening and understanding, always helping, always respecting the law.

Colonel Trieu Tuan Hai, Deputy Director of the Provincial Public Security Department said: “As soon as it is opened, the Provincial Public Security Department directed units, localities, the Youth Union, and the Women’s Union to actively develop plans with specific and practical content, measures and organize signing emulation covenants for all officers and soldiers in which they commit to implement the movement “Soldier’s smile”, creating a strong spread. After 2 years of implementation, units and mass organizations in the Provincial Public Security Department have built more than 60 creative models and ways suitable to their functions, tasks and the characteristics of the situation, attracting a large number of officers and soldiers. The models focus on the grassroots level, uphold the spirit of serving the people. For example, the model “Propaganda, dissemination and education of law in association with social welfare activities towards the grassroots level” of the Division of Building movements to protect national security; the “Godmother” model of the Women’s Union of Provincial Public Security Department; the model “Building a regular commune police force, being a highlight from the grassroots” of Loc Binh District Police …”

Thereby, it has created a change from awareness to action of all officers and soldiers of Lang Son police, contributing to building a friendly, open, civilized and polite image of Lang Son People’s Police force serving the people, shown in every aspect of work. Lieutenant Mong Thanh Tu, Deputy Chief of Police of Tan Thanh Commune, Van Lang District said: “As a young officer who was move to the grassroots level, I encountered certain difficulties in the job at the beginning. The movement “Soldier’s smile” has helped me become more mature in contacting with the People, my colleagues as well as in handling daily work, thereby contributing to helping me complete the assigned tasks.”

In the past 2 years, the units, officers and soldiers in the police force of the province have received more than 664,400 applications for citizen identification issuance, which is considered as one of the forces in five localities with the highest rate of applications for citizen identification issuance nationwide; At the same time, they completed a total review of 32,065/32,065 car records, reaching 100%… The units have also stepped up administrative reform, reviewed and detected inadequacies, cumbersome and out-dated procedures for amendments and supplements in the direction to create the most favorable conditions for organizations and individuals. As a result, according to the Ministry of Public Security’s assessment, in 2022, the Provincial Public Security Department was ranked excellent in the administrative procedure reform index at the position of 13th out of 63 provinces and central-run cities, up 2 places compared to 2021 and 11 places compared to 2020. Through the survey of people’s satisfaction on administrative settlement, 100% of the surveyed people were satisfied and very satisfied with the units in solving administrative procedures in Lang Son Provincial Public Security Department.

It can be affirmed that the movement “Soldier’s smile” has contributed to spreading and beautifying the image of Lang Son police officers and soldiers with bravery, humanity, for the people to serve. In particular, through the movement, many units and individuals have appeared with beautiful gestures and actions, recognized and appreciated by the People, and praised and rewarded by all levels and sectors. In the past 2 years, 24 officers and soldiers have been awarded certificates of merit by the Director of Provincial Public Security Department for their good deeds such as donating blood to save lives, returning property to lost people, promptly preventing fire to save lives and property of the People…; There are 18 examples of good people, 234 ones of good deeds were praised, many units and individuals received 65 letters of thanks from the People for their achievements in work and the attitude in serving the people.