Friday,  09/20/2024

Kindergarten teacher dedicates herself to her job

Loving her job, dedicating herself to nurturing, caring and educating children, that’s what teachers and parents of Cai Kinh Commune Kindergarten in Huu Lung district said about teacher Nguyen Thi Loc – who has been serving in this school for 12 years.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Loc was born and raised in Thuong Tin district, Hanoi. Since she was in school, she had a dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher. Therefore, after graduating from Thai Nguyen University of Education (in 2011), she has been working at the Kindergarten of Cai Kinh Commune, Luu Lung District until now. Ms. Loc shared, she had to work in a remote place after graduating from school, when she first came to school, the facilities were poor and the teaching equipment was limited. With love and dedication to the job, she used her knowledge to care for the children, constantly improving it and gaining experience from her colleagues and applying it in nurturing, caring and educating children.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Loc instructs students to sing along the music

Moreover, teacher Loc always considers the most important thing of a preschool teacher love and compassion in raising children, because at the preschool age, especially in kindergartens, the children are so little that taking care demands great effort. Therefore, in order to form good habits and personality for children and always take good care of them in every meal, sleep, and shape them from the smallest things such as how to use spoon, toilet-train them and teach them age-appropriate life skills, teach them to greet adults and to thank others for help. She also regularly monitors each child’s health and informs their parents. With her, all students coming to class are treated fairly with own her heart.

In addition, in order to improve the quality of child care, nurture and education, during her work, she also focuses on innovating teaching methods, finding attractive forms to promote children’s positivity, creating conditions for children to explore, discover, experience… Especially, she always comes up with ways to help children become more and more confident and encourage them to raise their opinions. At the same time, she makes toys as well as applies information technology in teaching preparation and builds experiential initiatives to improve the quality of education. In recent school years, the initiatives “Several measures to help children be active in math familiarization activities for 3-year-old children of class 3B at Cai Kinh Commune Kindergarten” (school year 2020-2021) and “Solutions to improve positivity of physical development in physical education class for 5-year-old children of class 5C at Cai Kinh Commune Kindergarten, Huu Lung district, Lang Son province” (school year 2021 – 2022) were highly appreciated by the Experiential Initiative Council of Huu Lung District.

Ms. Tran Thi Hoa, Principal of Cai Kinh Kindergarten said: “During her time at the school, teacher Loc always learns from her colleagues and studies documents to improve her knowledge and teaching skills. She always follows the tasks of the school and of education and training sector in a school year and quickly applies new experiences and initiatives to teaching, contributing to improving the quality of child care, nurture and education. She is also courteous and sociable, therefore she is trusted and loved by colleagues, parents, and students. With her effort and responsibility in her work, over the years, Ms. Nguyen Thi Loc has been commended and rewarded by many levels and sectors, notably in the school year 2021 – 2022, she was awarded a certificate of merit by the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for her achievement of excellently completing the task in two year in a row”.