Friday,  09/20/2024

Determining to build a drug-free community – a peaceful, happy, and strong society

On the morning of June 26, the Provincial People’s Committee coordinated with the Narcotics Investigation Police Department and the Ministry of Public Security to hold a meeting to respond to the Month of Action on Drug Prevention and Control (June), International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and People’s Day for drug prevention and control (June 26).

Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the meeting

Attending the meeting were Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee; leaders of the Provincial Public Security, Narcotics Investigation Police Department, the Ministry of Public Security; leaders of provincial departments, sectors, mass unions, and units of the Provincial Public Security; People’s Committee of the city, Cao Loc district and 500 officials and youth union members in the area.

Delegates attending the meeting

The month of action on drug prevention and control 2023 with the theme “Drug control is drastic, effective, responsible, proactive and coordinated – For a drug-free community”.

Delegates perform the ceremony of committing to join hands in drug prevention and control

Recognizing the important role of the fight against drug abuse, Lang Son province’s sectors have paid attention to leading, directing and mobilizing the synergy of the whole political system and the whole people to participate in drug prevention and control, step by step restraining, preventing and reducing drug abuse in the area. In the first 6 months of 2023, the province has organized more than 3,000 legal propaganda sessions on drug prevention and control, with more than 350,000 listeners; The organization signed a commitment not to break the law for over 147,000 students and teachers. Along with that, functional forces discovered 20 cases of planting plants containing drugs; arrested over 200 cases, with more than 600 drug offenders, seized over 1,300 grams of heroin and more than 2,600 synthetic drug pills, and many other exhibits…

Speaking at the meeting, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee emphasized: The People’s Committee of Lang Son province always identifies and pays attention to directing forces to strengthen the fight against crime, following the motto of reducing “supply”, limiting “demand”, reducing the complex situation of crime and drug abuse.

She suggested that all levels, sectors, functional forces and the entire People need to continue to implement drastically and effectively the directives, resolutions, programs and plans of the Party, the State, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Committee, the provisions of the law on drug prevention and control on a regular and continuous basis, with the cooperation of the whole society. At the same time, all levels promote the synergy of the whole political system; responsible participation, close, synchronous and effective coordination of all levels and sectors, especially the participation of mass organizations and people, including youth union members, with the same determination to build a drug-free community – a peaceful, happy and prosperous society.

At the meeting, the delegates performed the ritual of committing to join hands in drug prevention and control. Next, officers of the Narcotics Investigation Police Department of the Ministry of Public Security propagated to the youth union members the contents related to the prevention and control of crime and drug evils.

Leaders of the Narcotics Investigation Police Department, the Ministry of Public Security give gifts to the provincial drug rehabilitation establishment

Immediately after the meeting, units including: Provincial Youth Union, Provincial Vietnam Youth Federation, Provincial Public Security, Narcotics Investigation Police Department, Ministry of Public Security coordinated to organize the program “Journey of faith” at the provincial drug rehabilitation center (Tan Thanh commune, Cao Loc district), with the participation of 200 rehabilitants in the facility.

At the center, delegates and rehabilitants enjoyed art performances, watched the reportage “Sending words of love” and skits with propaganda content about the harmful effects of drugs.

During the program, leaders of the Narcotics Investigation Police Department, Ministry of Public Security, leaders of Provincial Public Security, Provincial Youth Union gave gifts to the collective of officials and employees of the provincial drug rehabilitation facility and 20 good perform rehabilitants at the facility.