Friday,  09/20/2024

Provincial Public Security Department: Focusing on building healthy communes, wards and towns, without drug

In addition to promoting the key role in the fight against drug-related crimes, in recent years, the provincial police force has also focused on building communes, wards and towns free of drug. Thereby, it gradually contributes to preventing this evil, creating a safe and healthy environment for socio-economic development.

Currently, in Chi Lang district, there are 6 communes without drug, including Van An, Chien Thang, Lien Son, Bac Thuy, Van Thuy and Huu Kien. Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Ngoc Thuan, Captain of the Drug Investigation Team, of the Public Security Division of the district said: “These communes have remained drug-free for many years. To achieve that result, the district police force regularly monitors and grasps the situation, drastically prevents and fights drug-related crimes, provides information about its prevention among the people, and well manages addicts in the district. For example, from the beginning of 2023 until now, the unit has arrested 14 drug-related cases, 22 criminals; sent 14 cases to the rehab center; organized many propaganda campaigns on thematic or integrated drug prevention and control.

Police of Thien Hoa commune, Binh Gia district inform people about the law on drug prevention and control in the area

In Trang Dinh district, there are 4 drug-free communes including Hung Viet, Tan Yen, Vinh Tien and Trung Thanh. Captain Dang Sy Dung, Head of Tan Yen Commune Police Station said: “In order to keep the area “clean” in terms of drugs, the Commune Police Station has advised the Party Committee and government to implement solutions such as introducing about the harmful effects of drugs to the People, especially young people; strengthening patrols within the area, coordinating with police of neighboring communes to prevent and fight drug-related crime and violations…”

According to statistics, the province currently has 51/200 communes, wards and towns without drug, 5 communes higher than the target assigned by the Ministry of Public Security. To achieve this result, the Provincial Public Security Department has actively implemented many solutions. Specifically, it has assumed the prime responsibility and coordinated with other forces in organizing peak waves to attack and suppress criminals; coordinated with relevant sectors to do well in rehab and post-rehab management of drug addicts in their families and community. Moreover, it has launched and guide the grassroots level to launch the movement All people protect national security, introduced the law on drug prevention and control to 100% of communes, wards and towns; coordinated with all levels, sectors and mass organizations to change the locality and to build models of drug prevention and control at grassroots level.

For example, the model “Management and education of children in the family to avoid crime and social evils”, “5 no, 3 clean” of the Women’s Union; model “Farmers participate in the prevention and fight against crime and social evils” of the Farmers’ Union; the model of “Propaganda and mobilization team to remove drug-containing plants” of the Provincial Public Security Department…

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Hach, Deputy Head of the Drug Investigation Division of the Provincial Police, said: “Promoting the key role, over the past time, the unit has coordinated in effective fighting against drug-related crimes, contributing to building and maintaining many drug-free areas. In 2022, the province’s functional forces detected and arrested 355 cases, 622 drug-related criminals, up 54 cases compared to 2021; 341 cases and 611 subjects of them were arrested by the provincial police force. Since the beginning of 2023, the provincial police force has arrested over 200 drug-related cases.”

Additionally, from 2022 until now, the Drug Investigation Division of the Provincial Public Security Department has organized over 40 propaganda campaigns on drug prevention and control for the people. The content goes into specific issues such as the harmful effects of drugs on human health, family happiness, security and order; how to recognize drugs; tricks of criminals, legal provisions on punishing drug-related activities… Thereby, it contributes to law observance, encouraging all classes of people to join hands in drug prevention and control .

The leaders of the Provincial Public Security Department and Provincial Youth Union present gifts to the people in the Provincial Rehab Facility

On the other hand, the management of drug addicts receives great attention by all levels, sectors and functional forces. Currently, the province has over 3,000 drug addicts with management records, more than 2,300 of them are within the community; 430 people are in rehab facilities; 342 people in detention center of Provincial Public Security Department, detention houses of police of districts and Lang Son city.

The above solutions have contributed to controlling and restraining drug from spreading, especially maintaining or increasing the number of communes, wards and towns that are drug-free; creating a healthy and safe environment for local socio-economic development.

The Deputy Head of the Drug Investigation Division of the Provincial Public Security Department added: “In the coming time, the unit will inform complicated and subjects and areas that are likely to experience drug-related crime about the law on drug prevention; promote the movement “All people protect national security”, build and replicate effective drug prevention and control models. At the same time, we will coordinate and integrate socio-economic development programs with drug prevention and control with the aim of helping the people stabilize their lives and stay away from social evils.”