Friday,  09/20/2024

The 17th Lang Son Provincial Trade Union Congress, term of 2023 – 2028: Innovation – Democracy – Solidarity – Development

With the theme “Innovation – Democracy – Solidarity – Development”, on July 28, at the Provincial Convention Center, the 17th Lang Son Trade Union Congress for the term of 2023-2028 was officially opened with the participation of 246 delegates representing more than 42,000 union members and workers throughout the province.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Doan, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee delivered a speech to direct the congress

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Doan, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee presented flowers to congratulate the congress

 Attending the congress were Mr. Nguyen Quoc Doan, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation; Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; Mr. Nong Luong Chan, Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial Fatherland Front Committee; members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Council; leaders of departments, commissions, sectors, socio-political organizations of the province; leaders of the Labor Confederation of a number of provinces and cities in the North; Former leaders of the Provincial Labor Confederation through the periods…

On the side of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, there was Mr. Phan Van Anh, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Mr. Phan Van Anh, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor spoke at the congress

 During the 2018-2023 term, the Provincial Labor Confederation has closely followed the political tasks of the province to develop action plans and programs, coordinate with departments, commissions and mass organizations in the political system to well perform their functions and tasks and gradually improve the quality of operation of trade unions, completed and exceeded 15/15 targets set by the Resolution of the 16th Provincial Trade Union Congress. Typical: 72.4% of businesses outside the state sector with 15 employees or more established grassroots trade unions (2.4% higher than the target); 63.5% of grassroots trade unions outside the state sector rated good or better (beyond 3.5%); introduced 1,446 elite trade union members to the Party (over 134 union members); 94.8% of agencies, units and businesses meet cultural standards (surpassing 9.8%); 90% of businesses outside the state sector with trade unions have signed collective labor agreements (reached targets)…

Mr. Phan Van Anh, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor gave flowers to congratulate the congress

 Practically taking care of the lives of union members and employees, in the last term, the provincial trade unions have given gifts, visited and supported over 128,900 turns of union members in difficult circumstances with a total value of over 44 billion VND; implemented coordination programs, cooperation agreements “Improving welfare and benefits for union members and employees in the period of 2019 – 2023” with more than 14,100 turns of union members and employees enjoying incentives, total amount of over 2.3 billion VND…

At the congress, leaders of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor gave congratulatory speeches on the results and achievements achieved by the trade unions of Lang Son province in the past term. He agreed with the goals, targets, breakthroughs, tasks and solutions of the next term and emphasized some more contents: continue to renovate the organization and operation of the trade union, better perform the role of representing, taking care of and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of union members and employees; strengthen communication and raise awareness of union members and employees; ; continue to make greater efforts in developing union members, establishing grassroots trade unions in enterprises outside the state sector; focus on organizing and mobilizing union members and workers to participate in building a clean and strong Party and government.

Speaking at the congress, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee recognized and praised the achievements of trade unions and union members and workers in the whole province. He suggested that all levels of trade unions in the province continue to thoroughly and fully grasp the positions, functions and tasks of trade union organizations; care and protect the legitimate rights and interests of union members and employees, actively participate in amending, supplementing and developing policies and laws related to union members, employees and trade union organizations, promptly solve problems related to union members and employees; renovate operation methods, improve the quality and operational efficiency of trade unions; focus on training trade union officials; improve the performance of emulation movements, especially the emulation movement “Good labor, creative labor”.

Delegates attending the congress

 The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee noted: Trade unions at all levels should actively participate in formulating and implementing socio-economic development policies and tasks, ensuring security and order, building the Party, building a clean and strong government; focus on selecting, fostering and introducing elite trade union members to the Party for consideration and admission; effectively carry out the fight against corruption, wastefulness and negativity; to step up the practice of studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style; strongly promote the role of trade unions in businesses, especially in implementing policies and laws and solving pressing problems of union members and employees; speeding up the implementation of Directive No. 18-CT/TU, dated November 4, 2022 of the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee on “continuing to strengthen leadership in the development of union members, building trade unions in non-state businesses in the province until 2030 and the following years”.

During the program, the delegates gave speeches, shared experiences, good practices in the movement of workers, officials, labor and trade union activities such as representation, care and protection of legitimate rights and interests of union members and employees; promoting the emulation movement “Green, clean, beautiful, ensuring occupational safety and hygiene”; promoting cultural, artistic and sports movements among union members and employees…

At the congress, the delegates listened to a report summarizing opinions and recommendations of union members and employees with the Party, State, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and Party committees, authorities and professionals; report summarizing opinions participating in the document of the 13th Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union.

Delegates vote to elect the Executive Committee of the Provincial Labor Confederation

The Congress voted to elect the Executive Committee of the 17th Provincial Labor Confederation, consisting of 30 members. The first meeting of the Executive Committee of the 17th Provincial Labor Confederation elected Mrs. Be Thi Hoa to hold the position of Chairwoman of the 17th Provincial Labor Confederation, term 2023-2028. The Congress elects the Delegation to attend the 13th Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union, including 9 official delegates and 2 alternate delegates.

Delegates voted to elect the Delegation to attend the 13th Congress of Vietnam Trade Union

 At the congress, the delegates voted to approve the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Trade Union Congress, term 2023-2028 with 3 breakthroughs, 8 groups of tasks and solutions, 3 groups of targets at the end of the term and 9 annual target group.

Leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor gave flowers to congratulate the 17th Executive Board of the Provincial Labor Confederation