Friday,  09/20/2024

Tightening the solidarity between soldier and people

Over the past years, along with the task of training for combat readiness, The Provincial Party Committee and Military Command are focused on directing affiliated units to organize outdoor marches to carry out mass mobilization work, to assist Party committees, local authorities and people in building infrastructure,  spreading the law… Thereby, it contributed to socio-economic development, ensuring security and order, building a strong political foundation, effectively implementing local defense work.

Officers and soldiers of the 123rd Regiment, the Provincial Military Command propagate, mobilize and participate in helping people in Huu Le commune, Van Quan district to build rural roads.

Learning Uncle Ho’s teaching “Effective mass mobilization leads to success in everything”. In order to create a spreading effect in the implementation of mass mobilization work, every year, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Military Command  has implemented and launched the emulation movement “Effective Mass Mobilization”, building “Good Mass Mobilization Unit” associated with emulation movements “The whole country joins hands for the poor, leaving no one behind”, “The army joins hands to build a new countryside” and “All people unite to build a new countryside and a civilized city”.

Senior Colonel Vi Xuan Binh, Head of the Committee of Mass Mobilization, Political Division, Provincial Military Command , said: In order to create a high consensus in the implementation of the mass mobilization work, the Party Committees and commanders at all levels have always focused on doing well in political and ideological education for cadres and soldiers; study and follow Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style; promote the role and responsibility of the military force in helping localities and people in difficult areas. Since then, officers and soldiers have the right awareness, clearly define their sense of responsibility, maintain discipline, are ready to receive and well complete all assigned tasks.

Accordingly, follow up political tasks, based on each time, Party committees and commanders of units develop plans, closely coordinate with Party committees and local authorities to organize for soldiers to carry out mass mobilization work in accordance with the characteristics and practical situation of the locality. From 2022 up to now, units have coordinated with local authorities and mass organizations to organize more than 120 propaganda campaigns, mobilizing people to abide by the Party’s guidelines, policies and laws of the State and legal documents such as  Law on Military Service, Law on Reserves and Mobilization, Law on Militia and Self-Defense… Thereby, contributing to raising the spirit of vigilance and responsibility for all classes of people, especially the young generation in building and defending the Fatherland.

With the spirit of grassroots-oriented, officers and soldiers of the units have actively cooperated with localities, promoted their roles and responsibilities to contribute efforts and help people build rural roads and build new rural areas; visited, gave gifts, helped families with policies to build, repair houses, harvest crops… For example, at the Military Command of Chi Lang district, implementing the emulation movement “Army joins forces to build new rural areas”, at the beginning of 2023, the unit participated and helped the people of Nhan Ly commune, Chi Lang district with practical works. Specifically, the district’s armed forces donated 10 million VND in cash and participated in 70 labors with local people to build rural concrete roads and build garbage incinerators, contributed to the building of the new rural area.

It is known that from 2022 to now, the units have organized for 250 officers and soldiers to help localities in the province build nearly 8 km of concrete inter-village roads, install 10 sewers; organized visits and giving gifts to subjects on the occasion of holidays and Tet, with a total value of over 4 billion VND; Organized support, built 4 gratitude houses worth 320 million VND…

Mr. Vi Van Lac, Sao Thuong hamlet, Mai Sao commune, Chi Lang district shared: I joined the army in 1972 and went through many battlefields. In 1987, I was discharged from the army and returned to the locality. Due to the influence of the war, I myself am a sick soldier, with a labor loss rate of 61%. In 2023, from the military’s budget, , the Military Command of Lang Son province supported my family with 80 million VND to build a house. I am very grateful to the military officers and soldiers and the Party Committees, authorities at all levels, and the villagers who have joined hands to help my family have a stable and solid place to live.

By concrete and practical actions, the mass mobilization work of the provincial armed forces has promoted the tradition of the Party’s mass mobilization work, with the spirit of “For the people to serve”. Since then, the province’s armed forces have continuously contributed to consolidating and improving the quality of operations at the grassroots, maintaining and strengthening the army-people solidarity, building a firm “position of the people’s hearts”.