Friday,  09/20/2024

Promoting the role of trade union in implementing democratic regulation at the grassroots level

In recent years, trade unions at all levels in the province have proactively coordinated with local governments at the same level to build and implement democratic regulations (DR) at the grassroots. Thereby, it contributes to changes in implementing DR at the grassroots and maintaining harmonious labor relationships in agencies, units and businesses.

Representative of Duc Vy Technology Import-Export Co., Ltd. (Huu Lung) reports to the supervision delegation of the Provincial Confederation of Labor on the results of DR implementation at the grassroots level

Regularly in November or December every year, the Provincial Confederation of Labor issues a document directing the Confederations of Labor of districts, Lang Son city and that of sectors to proactively advise and coordinate with relevant levels and sectors and asks trade unions at smaller level to coordinate with heads of agencies, unit, and business owners to develop and implement DR at the grassroots level in the following year.

Implementing the document of the Provincial Confederation of Labor, trade unions at all levels in the province have developed plans and implemented DR at the grassroots according to the guided contents. Ms. Do Thi Gam, Vice Chairwoman of the Van Quan District Confederation of Labor, said: “The District Confederation of Labor has 91 smaller trade unions with over 2,100 officials, civil servants, public employees and workers. Every year, the District Confederation of Labor coordinates to organize 1-2 training sessions for officials of trade unions at grassroots level on implementing DR at this level, supervises the implementation of DR at the grassroots at 2 or more times/year. Through supervision, it has been shown that the trade unions at grassroots level have effectively implemented DR at the grassroots level. From 2018 up to now, the rate of agencies, units, and businesses with trade unions organizing conferences for officials and employees has reached 100%.”

In recent years, there have been no strikes or major incidents related to labor relations in the province. The number of complaints and denunciations by trade union members has decreased sharply (197 times in the period 2013 – 2017; 68 times in the period 2018 – 2023).

With the initiative and positivity of trade unions at all levels, in the period 2018 – 2023, the implementation of DR at the grassroots level has witnessed considerable changes. Typically, the rate of conferences for officials, civil servant and public employee and dialogues at the workplace has been increased. Every year, 100% of agencies and units organize conferences for officials, civil servant and public employee (up 0.3% compared to the period 2013 – 2017); 90% of businesses with qualified trade unions have organized conferences for workers (up 22% compared to the period 2013 – 2017). The rate of non-state-owned businesses negotiating and signing collective labor agreements reached 90% (up17.8% compared to the period 2013 – 2017).

Ms. Chu Vay Khoan, Chairwoman of the trade union of Duc Vy Technology Import-Export Co., Ltd., Huu Lung district, said: “Since the establishment of trade union (2021) up to now, it has coordinated with business owners to organize 2 conferences for workers. In particular, at the conference held in 2022, the trade union instructed its members to contribute ideas and amend some contents of the collective labor agreement (first signed in 2019) and it was approved and signed by business owner with more beneficial terms to the workers.”

One of the activities that shows effectiveness in implementing DR at the grassroots is dialogue at businesses. Previously, the organization of dialogue in businesses received little attention from trade unions. From 2018 until now, grassroots trade unions have coordinated with business owners to organize over 500 regular  and unexpected dialogues at the workplace. Mr. Phung Van Tam, trade union member of Hop Thanh Tile Joint Stock Company, Cao Loc district, said: “Every year, through dialogue at the business, I often represent other members to raise opinions related to contents such as providing timely and adequate labor protective clothing, increasing the level of sick visits… Most of my opinions are considered and adjusted accordingly by the business owner.”

In addition, in order to grasp the situation of DR implementation at the grassroots level, from 2018 up to now, the Provincial Confederation of Labor and the Labor Confederation of districts and Lang Son city have chaired nearly 200 supervision in which guidance and propaganda on regulations related to DR at the grassroots have also been provided. According to the general assessment of the supervision delegations, agencies, units and businesses have rather effectively implemented DR at the grassroots level. For those whose implementation has not been good enough, the supervision members have reminded and directly guided them, received comments on difficulties and problems and sent them to the competent authorities for consideration.

Mr. Tran Quoc Vuong, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial Confederation of Labor, said: “In the future, along with continuing to promote the role of trade unions at all levels in building and implementing DR at the grassroots, the Provincial Confederation of Labor and the Confederations of Labor of districts and Lang Son city will organize training sessions for trade union officials on new regulations under Law No. 10/2022/QH15 on implementing democracy at the grassroots; direct the trade unions at grassroots level to coordinate with the heads of agencies, units, and businesses to complete the steering committee for implementing DR at the grassroots level and develop documents on implementing DR at the grassroots level in the following year in compliance with provisions of law.”

The active and proactive participation of trade unions at all levels has contributed to creating changes in the implementation of DR at the grassroots, contributing to building harmonious labor relationships in agencies, units and businesses. In recent years, there have been no strikes or major incidents related to labor relations in the province. The number of complaints and denunciations by trade union members has decreased sharply (197 times in the period 2013 – 2017; 68 times in the period 2018 – 2023).. Through the effective implementation of DR at the grassroots level, the legitimate rights and interests of civil servants and workers are increasingly raised, creating favorable conditions for them to promote their responsibility, contributing to good performance of tasks, production and business activities with agencies, units and businesses.