Friday,  09/20/2024

A kind and sharing New Year for difficult lives

With the motto “Nobody left behind”, “Tet for every family”, currently, all levels, sectors, unions, businesses, organizations and benefactors in the province have been visiting, presenting gifts, joining hands to support a better Tet for the poor, near-poor, people with extremely difficult circumstances, people under social protection, people with meritorious service, families under preferential policies in the province.

A representative of Lang Son Provincial Vietcombank Branch presents Tet gifts to poor households and households with difficult circumstances in Huu Lien commune, Huu Lung district

According to data from the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (DOLISA), by the end of 2023, the there have been 12,397 households with multidimensional poverty, accounting for 6.02%. In addition, the whole province also has over 7,000 people with meritorious service, over 2,000 people under social protection, and people with extremely difficult circumstances in need of support.

Attention from all levels, sectors and localities

The support for a warm and happy Tet of poor households, social welfare beneficiaries and families under preferential policies always receives attention from the Party, State, all levels and branches from central to grassroots level. Along with the people of the whole country, in the days approaching the Lunar New Year of the Dragon 2024, people in Lang Son province also received a lot of affection from the leaders of the Party, State and province who came to extend New Year greetings and to present gifts. Programs such as “Tet of Kindness”; “Spring of love”; “Tet reunion – Spring sharing”; “Spring from border guard force to villagers”, “Warm Tet for you”… have contributed to encouraging people to overcome difficulties.

At the end of January 2024, the people of Lang Son province were pleasure to receive, Member of the Party Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai extending New Year greetings and participating in the activities of Tet of Kindness program in (Van Quan district), Tet reunion – spring sharing (Lang Son city), extend New Year, greetings, visiting and giving Tet gifts to the forces on duty at the border gate and households in Dinh Lap district. In Lang Son province, the Vice Chairman of the National Assembly and the working delegation presented over 670 Tet gifts. In addition, members of the National Assembly’s working delegation also supported the construction of kitchens for students, houses of kindness, the commune’s study promotion fund, organize health examinations, consultations and provide free medicine for people from poor households, lonely elderly people, people with meritorious services to the revolution…

From 2015 up to now, the Provincial Confederation of Labor has effectively maintained the “Tet reunion” program implemented by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor. Ms. Be Thi Hoa, Chairwoman of the Provincial Confederation of Labor, said: “The program has shown the attention of the trade union to its members and workers. According to statistics, from 2015 up to now, the province’s trade unions at all levels have organized 49 “Tet reunion” programs, giving over 7,400 gifts to their members and workers with difficult circumstances with a total value of over 4.8 billion VND. The province has supported over 175,000 members, workers and orphaned children of members and workers with a total value of over 50 billion VND. Particularly for the Lunar New Year of the Dragon 2024, trade unions at all levels in the province have reviewed and made a list of about 4,200 trade union members, workers in difficult circumstances and orphaned children of members who need support with the value of over 2.1 billion VND. Currently, the Provincial Confederation of Labor has allocated fund to districts and Lang Son city so that their Confederations of Labor can present gifts to trade union members and workers in difficult circumstances in their areas.”

Together with the Provincial Confederation of Labor, through the Provincial Red Cross Society, businesses and benefactors also supported meaningful gifts. Ms. Nong Bich Thuan, Chairwoman of the Provincial Red Cross Society, said: “According to our plan, on the occasion of Lunar New Year of the Dragon 2024, the province strives to give 17,500 gifts. Up to now, we have received nearly 5,000 gifts with a total value of over 2.5 billion VND. Of which, Agribank Lang Son donated 1,400 gifts with a total value of 700 million VND, Vietcombank Lang Son supported to build 6 houses, to pay for 870 health insurance cards, 340 Tet gifts with a total value of 722 million VND, Vingroup’s Charity Fund donated 400 gifts with a total value of 240 million VND…”

Together with Red Cross organizations, unions, party committees and authorities of districts and Lang Son city in the province have also been supporting for a better Tet for people in the area. Accordingly, districts and Lang Son city has sent delegation visiting and presenting gifts to families under preferential policies, people with meritorious services, poor households and households with difficult circumstances. Ms. Be Thi Van, Vice Chairwoman of Van Lang District People’s Committee, said: “In the district, there are 512 families under preferential policies and people with meritorious services. During the Lunar New Year of 2024, the district received and presented 1,045 gifts. The provincial leaders directly visited and presented gifts to 3 families under preferential policies. The leaders of the district visited and presented 18 gifts… The total value of gifts to families under preferential policies and people with meritorious services is over 470 million VND.”

The leader of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation presents Tet gifts to households with particularly difficult circumstances in Van Thuy commune, Chi Lang district

Spreading in the community

Besides organizations and businesses, the support for a better Tet of the poor and people with difficult circumstances also receives the attention of many benefactors inside and outside the province. In Lang Son city, The family of Bui Bao Cham at 39 Tam Thanh Street, Block 1, Tam Thanh Ward regularly participates in social welfare activities in the area. Ms. Pham Thanh Phuong – the representative of Mrs. Bui Bao Cham’s family shared: “In days before the 2024 Tet, my family gave 212 Tet gifts to poor households, near-poor households and people with difficult difficult situations in the city, each gift is worth 500 thousand VND. The total value awarded is 106 million VND. Thereby, this continues to multiply meaningful activities, sharing with difficult lives, contributing to supporting a warm Tet to each family.”

As a business in Hanoi, but through the connection from the Secretary of the Lang Son City Party Committee and the Red Cross Society of Lang Son city, the leaders of Duc Tam Investment and Development Company Limited in Health, Education and Social sponsorship organized charity and social security activities in Lang Son city. Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu, Director of the company said: “On the occasion of the Lunar New Year 2024, the company donated 100 Tet gifts to students in difficult circumstances in Mai Pha commune, Lang Son city, with a total value of 50 million VND. Although the gift is small, the company hopes that it will contribute to a better Tet as well as better social security work in Lang Son province.”

As one of the families receiving Tet gifts, Ms. Luc Thi Na, born in 1931, a household in difficult circumstances in Quang Lien 2 village, Quang Lac commune, Lang Son city shared: “When Tet is about to come, I was very happy to receive gifts from the City Red Cross Society and benefactor. The gift is a spiritual encouragement for my family, contributing to a better Tet.”

Visiting and giving Tet gifts to people organized by the Party, State, levels and branches of the province at Tet demonstrates thoughtful care for a happy Tet for everyone. Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen said: “The work of ensuring social security always receives great attention of party committees and authorities from the province to the grassroots level. It is necessary to mobilize the participation of the entire political system and the society to support the families of people with meritorious services, the poor, vulnerable people, people under protection and people in difficult circumstances. With the motto “Tet for everyone and every family “, “no one is left behind”, by the end of January 2024, delegations of the province, sectors, unions, and businesses in the province have visited and gave over 26,500 gifts with a total value of over 13 billion VND. There are only a few days left until the Lunar New Year in 2024, with the timely attention and care of the Party, State, provincial party committees, authorities, organizations, unions, businesses, benefactors and people in the province believe that everyone and every family will have a warm and peaceful Tet.