Friday,  09/20/2024
PM steps up response to cybersecurity incidents
PM steps up response to cybersecurity incidents
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has issued a directive to step up response to cybersecurity incidents in Vietnam. Directive No. 18/CT-TTg states that cybersecurity is vital to creating digital trust and protecting the country's development in the digital era. (Photo: vietnamnet.vn) Directive No. 18/CT-TTg states that cybersecurity is vital to creating digital trust and protecting the country's development in...
Vietnamese national university earns QS Recognition of Improvement
Vietnamese national university earns QS Recognition of Improvement
The Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) has won the QS Recognition of Improvement, making it the first in the country to secure the accreditation. Illustrative photo (Source: nld.com.vn) The award will be presented to university at the 20th QS Higher Ed Summit: Asia Pacific to be held in Indonesia on November 8-10. The “Recognition of Quality Improvement” certification is...
Vietnamese community in Germany joins social activities
Vietnamese community in Germany joins social activities
Vietnamese Ambassador to Germany Vu Quang Minh on October 20 handed over 3,000 EUR (nearly 3,000 USD) in donations to Maria Richter, director of a centre supporting the homeless and disadvantaged people in Lichtenberg district of Berlin. At the event. (Photo: VNA) The money was donated by Vietnamese individuals, organisations and businesses in Germany on the occasion of...
Vietnamese, Russian scholars urged to boost cooperation
Vietnamese, Russian scholars urged to boost cooperation
Evgheni Kobelev, Vice Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)'s Institute of China and Modern Asia, has suggested further strengthening relations between scholars of Russia and Vietnam. Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Dang Minh Khoi (R) and Evgheni Kobelev, Vice Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)'s Institute of China and Modern Asia (Photo: VNA) In a meeting...
Vietnam attends Singapore International Cyber Week
Vietnam attends Singapore International Cyber Week
Minister of Public Security, General To Lam attended the Singapore International Cyber Week (SICW2022) from October 18-20. Within the framework of the SICW2022, Minister of Public Security To Lam attends the seventh ASEAN Ministerial Conference on Cybersecurity. (Photo: VNA) Within the framework of the SICW2022, Lam attended the seventh ASEAN Ministerial Conference on Cybersecurity. At a plenary session...
Spreading the emulation movement
Spreading the emulation movement "Good at work - Good at housework" among female workers, officials and laborers
In recent years, the emulation movement "Good at work - Good at housework" has been launched and implemented by unions at all levels in the province and has far-reaching effects among female workers, public employees, and laborers, contribute to enhancing the role of women in many areas of social life. According to aggregated data of the provincial Labor Confederation,...
Women of Lang Son promote the tradition of
Women of Lang Son promote the tradition of "Three responsibilities"
Responding to the call of President Ho Chi Minh, in March 1965, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union (WU) launched the movement "Three assumptions" of the women. Afterwards, Uncle Ho changed the name of the movement into "Three responsibilities" which was more meaningful, both simple and consistent with the traditions of Vietnamese women. For many years, the...
President commends veteran for blood donation mobilisation
President commends veteran for blood donation mobilisation
President Nguyen Xuan Phuc has sent a letter to Le Dinh Duat in Hanoi's Thanh Xuan Trung district, praising his effort over the past 23 years in mobilising blood donation. Duat and his family have called on more than 1,000 people to donate over 1,000 units of blood, contributing to saving the lives of thousands of patients. (Photo: VNA)...