Friday,  09/20/2024

Spreading the learning about history from writing competitions

(LSO) – Implementing the direction of Lang Son Provincial Steering Committee on Anniversary and Important Events, in 2019 and 2020, the Propaganda Committee of the Provincial Party Committee has issued plans to organize and launch some writing contests to learn about the history of staunch revolutionary soldier examples such as Mr. Hoang Van Thu, Mr. Luong Van Tri and so on. The competitions have attracted a large number of officials and party members of the masses in the province to participate in. Through that, there have been many meaningful and far-reaching political activities.

Looking at the two thick entries with an elaborate model in the writing contest “Learning about Mr. Luong Van Tri’s life, revolutionary activities and great dedication to the cause of the Vietnamese revolution” in 2020, no one has thought that it is the writing of Hoang Hai Thien, a student of grade 10A7 (school year 2019 – 2020), Van Lang High School, Van Lang District. Last year, Thien also won the encouraging prize in the writing contest “Learning about Mr. Hoang Van Thu’s life, revolutionary activities and great dedication to the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation”. Thien said that every time he researched about history, learned about the life and revolutionary activities of Uncle Ho and Mr. Hoang Van Thu, Mr. Luong Van Tri and so on, he has been fostered with love for his homeland and the country, being determined to become a useful person for the family and the society in the future.

The judges of the provincial-level contest marked the models enclosed with the writing entries “Learning about Mr. Luong Van Tri’s life, revolutionary activities and great dedication to the cause of the Vietnamese revolution” in 2020.

Not only in the school block, the competitions have had a strong spread in the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees. Party member La Cong Hung, the Office Party Cell, Van Quan District Party Committee shared that he was very proud to be the son of Mr. Luong Van Tri’s hometown. He participated in the writing contest to learn about Mr. Luong Van Tri’s life and revolutionary activities in 2020 with the desire to contribute to propagating and spreading beautiful images of Van Quan homeland and people.

Each author joining the contest determined to study, research to learn more about the portrait of a staunch communist soldier of the Party, the nation and Xu Lang homeland. Participating in the contests, they have gained a lot of useful and interesting things, not just honoring awards. Party member Hoang Thi Bich Nhung, Lang Son City Party Committee – winning the first prize in the writing contest to learn about Mr. Hoang Van Thu’s life and revolutionary activities in 2019 said that participating in this contest left a beautiful impression on her, helping her understand historical value, so that she always tries to learn and do good things.

According to the synthesis of the Propaganda Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, there have been nearly 50,000 entries in two contests to learn about the life and revolutionary activities of Mr. Hoang Van Thu, Mr. Luong Van Tri, with nearly 1,000 quality entries selected to attend the provincial contest. Most of the entries to the provincial level ensure contents and forms, many authors have carefully invested, diligently collected many documents and images about the life and revolutionary activities of Mr. Hoang Van Thu and Mr. Luong Van Tri. Specifically, in 2020, the provincial-level writing contest to learn about Mr. Luong Van Tri’s life has up to 45 models enclosed with entries and many valuable documents, pictures and photos.

Ms. Tran Thi Thu Huyen, Head of Political Theory and Party History Division, the Propaganda Committee of the Provincial Party Committee said that the organization of writing contests over the past time has achieved certain results, contributing to implementing exciting and meaningful activities to celebrate the 110th birthday anniversary of Mr. Hoang Van Thu (November 4, 1909 – November 4, 2019), Mr. Luong Van Tri (August 17, 2010 – August 17, 2020). The authors with excellent entries were honored; The models attached to the entries were selected for display at the thematic exhibition “Hoang Van Thu – Your name forever”; “Luong Van Tri – life and revolutionary career” at the Provincial Museum.

It can be affirmed that the recent writing competitions have shown practical effects, deep and widespread political activities and contribute to fostering the patriotism of people from all strata; well expressing the wishes of people from all strata to contribute to building the homeland, the nation and Xu Lang to become richer and richer.