Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son – Delegation of the National Steering Committee 389 working in Lang Son

(LSO) – On Novemer 11th,  the Delegation of the Natioinal Steering Committee against Smuggling, Trade Fraud and Counterfeit goods (Steering Committee 389) led by Major General Dam Thanh The, Chief of the Standing Office of the National Steering Committee had a meeting withthe Provincial Steering Committee 389 to dicuss the results of  fight against smuggling, trade fraud and fake goods in 10 months of 2020 and provode directions for tasks  of the last months of 2020.

 The meeting was participated by Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Steering Committee of 389 provinces and other  members of the provincial Steering Committee 389.

According to the report by the Provincial Steering Committee 389,  smuggling on the border tracks is almost absent from February 2020 to mid-June 2020 due to the Covid-19 epidemic.

Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of People’s Committee of  Lang Son province speaking at the meeting

However, since June, there have been commercial fraud on sales invoices and courier services. From July 2020 up to now, smugglers have resumed operations, mainly carrying and carrying small amount of  goods.

In the first 10 months of 2020, the functional forces handled 4,365 cases of smuggling and commercial fraud (equal to 81.27% compared to the same period in 2019); administrative penalties for 3,593 cases (equal to 84.7% in the same period). The total amount of administrative fines is nearly 66.4 billion VND; the value of confiscated goods is more than 27 billion; 328 cases with 482 defendants (by 96.98% over the same period) havebeen  prosecuted.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Vice Chairman of Lang Son Provincial People’s Committee emphasized that the Provincial Steering Committee 389 was focsing on inspection and supervision of smuggling activities, illegal cross-border transportattion of goods; directing  the functional forces including  provincail customs and border guards uits to concentrate on checking and tightly controlling the border area, strengthening the blocking posts on key open-way trails. In particular, the functional forces were strengthening activities to prevent smuggled poultry through the trails in the border areas of  districts as namely as Van Lang, Cao Loc, Loc Binh; prevent and handle violations related to e-commerce activities.

Major General Dam Thanh The, Chief of the Standing Office, National Steering Committee 389, Head of Mission giving remarks at the meeting

At the meeting, the Head of the working team of the National Steering Committee 389 highly appreciated the results that the  province  achieved in combating smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeiting in recent years. However, he reminded that in the coming time, especially in the last months of the year, smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit activities would be  increased. Therefore, he advised  the functional forces in the province should  investiage to have a deep understanding of the  situation, strengthen  inspection and screening activities of  commercial business activities in the border areas and border markets.

Along with that, the Provincial Steering Committee 389 should directe the functional  forces to coordinate closely with relevant units to organize thematic workshops to disscus effective ways to fight again frauds in e-commerce and ways to strictly deal with those who intended to use illegal invoices to legalize smuggled goods, illegal purchase and sale of invoices.