Friday,  09/20/2024

The Provincial Cultural Heritage Association: A place to converge and spread love with heritages

(LSO) – Although newly established for more than three years, the Provincial Cultural Heritage Association has carried out many meaningful activities, contributing to preserving and promoting Xu Lang’s rich and diverse cultural heritage treasure and spreading love for heritages to the community.

Mr. Hoang Van Pao, Chairman of the Provincial Cultural Heritage Association, said that the Provincial Cultural Heritage Association is a socio-professional organization, established on November 19, 2017. The purpose of the association is to gather, unite, protect legitimate rights and interests, and support its members to operate effectively; at the same time propagate, raise awareness and responsibility of the people about cultural heritages. Thereby, it helps contribute to the cause of protecting and promoting cultural heritage values, building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity.

After more than three years in operation, the Provincial Cultural Heritage Association has really become a common house, a healthy and practical “playground” of organizations and individuals interested in national cultural heritages. From 110 members and 33 organizations at the time of its establishment in 2017, the association now has 250 members and 43 organizations.

The Then and Đàn tính performance was performed by members of the Provincial Cultural Heritage Association at the meeting of all members in 2019.

To raise awareness of cultural heritage conservation, from 2018 up to now, the association has organized four cultural heritage training courses for more than 500 people in districts: Huu Lung, Bac Son, Chi Lang and Lang Son city. Thereby, many members have actively implemented and concretized the documents of higher authorities, contributing to improving the efficiency of cultural heritage management. Mr. Phi Van Hoa, manager of Ta Phu Temple, a member of the provincial cultural heritage association, said that joining the association, they receive the training on the Law on Heritage, decrees and regulations on cultural heritage management and so on. Through this, he protects cultural heritages better. In particular, in the process of implementing the Ta Phu temple remodeling project, he knows how to plan and report on the repair of monuments in the correct order, while maintaining the intact value of monuments and promoting the relic value consistent with the wishes of the people.

Along with propaganda and training, the association also contributes a prestigious voice on cultural heritage issues that are of concern to the public and society. From 2017 to now, the association has carried out social criticism for 20 scientific topics in the field of culture; contribute comments on about 10 provincial-level research projects on cultural heritages; building four provincial-level scientific research projects on cultural heritages; research, compile and publish a number of books such as “the Nùng Cháo in Na Lau – traditional and modern livelihoods”; “Ky Cung Temple and Ta Phu Temple Festival – Traditional and Modern”.

A remarkable point in that activity is that the association has admitted many members who are teachers and students at secondary schools in the area. Thereby, it arouses love for heritages, helping schools organize many useful activities such as contests to learn about cultural heritages; painting, giving presentations on heritages, scientific research on cultural heritages and so forth. Mrs. Nong Thi Thu Huong, teacher of Vinh Trai Secondary School, Lang Son city said that joining the Cultural Heritage Association, she has attended scientific conferences, met and exchanged with researchers on cultural heritages of the central agencies and the province. Since then, she has improved her professional qualifications, accumulated knowledge of cultural heritages into teaching, guiding students to participate in the province’s science and technology programs on cultural heritages to achieve high results.

To encourage its members, the association also has forms of prompt encouragement and rewards. Typically, in 2019, the association awarded certificates of merit to five collectives and 23 members with active activities.

In the coming time, the Provincial Cultural Heritage Association tentatively plans to continue organizing more activities to propagate and promote cultural heritages, strengthen social criticism on this field. At the same time, the association will continue to consolidate and improve the quality of the association’s activities, strengthen the voice of the association on cultural heritage issues that is of the society’s concern.

“With enthusiasm and sense of responsibility of those working in the field of cultural heritages, the Cultural Heritage Association and affiliated organizations have made positive contributions to the cause of protecting and promoting the province’s cultural heritages. Thereby, it makes an important contribution to the cause of protecting and promoting national cultural heritages”.

Mr. Nguyen Phuc Ha, Director of Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism