Friday,  09/20/2024

Tightly controlling the Covid-19 epidemic at the border gate

(LSO) – The Covid-19 continues to develop complicatedly. Currently, there are some cases of community infection in the country. Facing this situation, the international health quarantine agency and the functional forces at the border gates in the province continue to tighten the medical control for those on entry and also for drivers carrying exported and imported goods from other localities to the province’s border gate areas.

Mr. Dang Viet Truong, Director of the Provincial International Heath Quarantine Center, said: “During the complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic, immediately after receiving the urgent document from the Ministry of Health on November 30, 2020 on strengthening the supervision and management of immigrants and implementing the direction of the Provincial People’s Committee, the center has tightened the medical control process for experts, high-tech workers, investors, and enterprises entering Vietnam.”

Accordingly, in addition to measuring body temperature, spraying medical sterilization, before processing entry procedure, all these people must make epidemiological history declaration, clearly stating the place of departure and destination. Along with that, the International Health Quarantine Center coordinates with functional forces to strictly control the transportation of experts, high-tech workers, investors, businesses, and traders from the border gates into domestic area.

The International Health Quarantine officer at Huu Nghi International Border Gate instructs people on entry to declare epidemiological history

Not only controlling those on entry, from December 1, 2020, the International Health Quarantine Center has strictly implemented medical procedures for vehicle drivers to carry out import and export activities through the border gates in the province. Specifically, for means of transporting goods, before being imported or exported, they must spray disinfection; drivers and deliverers from Vietnam to China and vice versa must undergo medical examination, at the same time, must wear epidemic prevention clothes in accordance with regulations of the health sector.

Although there is no quarantine for the driver and deliverers of goods on the Chinese side after returning (within the same day), the international health quarantine agency closely monitors, specifically the drivers and the deliverers of the goods must all enter the medical quarantine area at the border to carry out sterilization and medical examination; declare their address of residence, date and time of entry and exit so that the health agency will continue to monitor the following days. Along with that, at this time, the number of people and the amount of goods arriving at the border gate tends to increase, the health quarantine agency sprays and sterilizes twice a day for the entire border area.

The International Health Quarantine officer at Huu Nghi International Border Gate controls and requires people on entry to take temperature measurements through automatic measuring devices.

Colonel Trinh Huu Tang, Political Commissar of the Provincial Border Guard Command, said: “At this time, at some border gates, goods transported to the border gate must stay in the inspection area to wait for customs clearance, therefore, there are quite a few drivers who have to stay many days. To ensure epidemic prevention and control in the border gate area, the leaders of the Provincial Border Guard Command have instructed border posts to strengthen the control of drivers’ activities, especially strengthen propaganda about wearing masks at ports and lots; implementing systematic working measures, organizing working groups on the border, tightly controlling trails, opening paths, combating illegal entry and exit; fighting and effectively preventing the transportation and pick-up of people who illegally enter or exit the country and other types of crimes in the locality.”

In the context of the complicated situation of Covid-19 epidemic in a number of countries, including China, as well as unpredictable development of the Covid-19 epidemic within the country. It is essential to continue tightening the medical control process at border gates and control the border line to ensure medical safety, prevent the risk of Covid-19 infection into Vietnam, as well as control and prevention of the risk of infection in the border gate area by the forces at the border gates and border areas

From early 2020 to November 30, 2020, the total number of people entering and exiting Huu Nghi International Border Gate and a number of other border gates in the province is 656,279 people. In which, there are 332,656 foreigners entering Vietnam through Huu Nghi international border gate; 100% of people on exit or entry must carry out medical checks for Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control according to regulations.