Friday,  09/20/2024

Opening Spring Flower Road of Xu Lang – Lunar New Year 2021, the year of the Ox

(LSO) – On the afternoon of February 5, at Chi Lang Park, Lang Son City, the Organizing Committee of the Peach Blossom Festival – Xu Lang’s Spring in 2021 held the Opening of the Spring Flower Road of Xu Lang and the summary and prize awarding ceremony of the contest on beautiful peach blossom gardens and trees of Xu Lang – Lunar New Year 2021, the year of the Ox.

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee of Peach Blossom Festival – Xu Lang’s Spring in 2021 …

Leaders of Lang Son province, departments, sector and city cut the ribbon to open Spring Flower Road of Xu Lang.

The People’s Committee of Cao Loc district was honored to gain the first prize in the beautiful peach blossom tree contest of Lunar New Year 2021, the year of the Ox

The Organizing Committee awarded the first prize in the spring beautiful peach blossom garden contest of Lunar New Year 2021, the year of the Ox

The contest on beautiful peach blossom garden and beautiful peach blossom tree of Xu Lang – Lunar New Year 2021, the year of the Ox was held from January 26, 2021, attracting the participation of 19 gardeners and 48 beautiful peach trees.

Summarizing the contest, the Organizing Committee awarded 32 awards. In which, the People’s Committee of Cao Loc district won the first prize in the contest of beautiful peach blossom tree in Xu Lang; Mr. Luong Van Thuong, Dong Chuong – Na Doc village, Khanh Khe commune, Van Quan district won the first prize in the contest of beautiful peach blossom garden.

Spring Flower Road of Xu Lang is designed and decorated with the theme “Lang Son – Love and peach blossoms” by the People’s Committee of Lang Son City in the area of ​​Chi Lang Park.

Delegates visited Spring Flower Road of Xu Lang.

Spring Flower Road of Xu Lang is officially opened for the people and tourists to enjoy and visit from February 5, 2021 to February 26, 2021 (ie from 24 December in the year of the Rat to January 15, the year of the Ox). Thereby, it creates a cultural space for spring joy, welcoming the traditional New Year, meeting the entertainment needs of the people and visitors from all over the country.

At the ceremony, the delegates cut the opening ribbon and visited Spring Flower Road of Xu Lang.