Friday,  09/20/2024

Border Guard: Drastically prevent illegal entry and exit

(LSO) – Although they have to perform their tasks in cold and rainy weather conditions, the border guard officers and soldiers of the province are still staying day and night at the posts, intensifying patrol and control to prevent illegal entry and exit prevent and control Covid-19 epidemic in border area.

Over the past time, the provincial border guard continuously discovered many Vietnamese citizens entering illegally. For example, at 5:00 a.m. on January 16, 2021, at landmark 1193, Tan Cuong village, Xuat Le commune, Cao Loc district, Ba Son Border Guard working group discovered 14 Vietnamese citizens who illegally entered Vietnam from China. Previously, at 3:30 a.m, on January 12, 2021, at the trail of landmark 1126 area in Bao Lam commune, Cao Loc district, Bao Lam Border Guard working group discovered and received 51 Vietnamese citizens of illegal entry from China to Vietnam, including 29 men and 22 women.

The above are just two out of dozens of cases of Vietnamese citizens entering illegally that have been discovered and arrested by border stations since the beginning of January 2021 until now. The above citizens have permanent residence in many provinces and cities such as Nghe An, Ha Giang, Lai Chau, Quang Ninh, Thai Nguyen, Hai Duong, Phu Tho, Thanh Hoa, Kien Giang, Can Tho … They all confessed that they went to China to work as hired labor and would like to return home for Lunar New Year at the end of the year. The border stations have carried out necessary procedures, handing over people to functional forces to be quarantined according to regulations.

Functional forces checked the body temperature of people who enter illegally arresed by Ba Son Border Station

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Tuan Anh, Deputy Head of Bao Lam Border Guard Station said: “Currently at the end of the year, a number of Vietnamese citizens who previously left to work for work in China are tending to return to the country. With determination to promptly prevent all violations of law on the border, the unit has strengthened its 24-hour blocking force at trails, shortcuts and a mobile patrol team. Only from the beginning of January 2021 up to now, the unit has continuously discovered and arrested 9 cases, with more than 200 Vietnamese citizens entering illegally through the border tracks, handing them over to the authorities for quarantine according to regulations.”

Facing the complicated and unpredictable situation of citizens entering illegally, the Provincial Border Guard Command has instructed border stations to maintain the camp, 24/24 on the duty at the border, actively coordinate with the authorities of border communes to get information and perform tasks. Mr. To Van Tuan, Chairman of Xuat Le Commune People’s Committee, Cao Loc District, said: “Xuat Le is a border commune under Ba Son Border Guard, despite working in severe weather conditions, the border guard force is always resilient at the post, on duty day and night. At the same time, they coordinate with the commune authorities to promote propaganda and mobilize people not to illegally cross the border, when detecting a case of illegal trafficking, it is necessary to quickly inform the functional forces to prevent and promptly handle it, prevent illegal entry into the country.

Only from December 11, 2020 to January 13, 2021, border stations in the province discovered 74 cases with 683 Vietnamese people who illegally entered Vietnam from China through border trails. The units have set up dossiers and handed over the citizens to the authorities for quarantine according to regulations. In addition, the provincial border guard has prosecuted 2 cases with 3 objects supporting for 7 people, including 3 Vietnamese and 4 Chinese people to illegally enter; detected 3 cases, with 20 Chinese entering illegally; issued a decision to sanction an administrative violation and hand return one case of 6 people to China through the border gate according to the regulation.

Colonel Trinh Huu Tang, Secretary of the Party Committee, Political Commissar of the Provincial Border Guard Command affirmed: “In the coming time, with the complicated situation of the border line, the Provincial Border Guard Command continues to direct the border stations to strictly perform professional measures. In particular, the the Border Guard Command has sent 80 officers and employees of the Border Academy to participate in preventing, combating illegal entry and exit on the provincial border line. At the same time, the Party committee and commanders pay attention to encouraging officials to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of participating in the blocking position in key positions, prevent illegal entry and exit and smuggling in order to maintain political security, social order and safety in the border area.