Friday,  09/20/2024

Four units allowed to disburse credit packages paid employees the salary which they supposed to receive in their work pause due to the influence of Covid-19 translation

(LSO) – On January 26, the Provincial Bank for Social Policies held a signing ceremony of loan credit contracts for the employers to pay their employees the salary which they supposed to receive in their work pause due to the influence of Covid-19 according to Decision No. 32/2020/QD-TTg dated October 19, 2020 of the Prime Minister on the implementation of policies to support people facing difficulties caused by the Covid-19 epidemic for four enterprises and education establishments in Lang Son city.

Specifically, the units that have access to the policy include Tuoi Than Tien Kindergarten, April 30 Kindergarten, An Son Production and Trade Co., Ltd, and Dong Tien Supermarket Trading Joint Stock Company. The total disbursement amount is over 200 million VND, pay 33 employees the salary they supposed to receive in their work pause (equivalent to 117 months), with the interest rate of 0%, loan term is 12 months.

The representatives of Provincial Bank for Social Policies and April 30 Kindergarten signed the credit contracts for paying the employees the salary they supposed to receive in their work pause due

These are the first four enterprises in the province that are allowed to disburse the loan policy package to pay the employees the salary they supposed to receive in their work pause due to the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic. Thereby, it can support employers and employees to overcome difficulties, contributing to ensuring social security.