Friday,  09/20/2024

Bac Son: improve the quality and value of OCOP products

– From 2019 to now, Bac Son district has 4 products recognized by the competent authorities as OCOP products (one product per commune program) including: Bac Son yellow tangerine, Bac Son nep cai hoa vang rice, black chung cake and Mo Mam stream leaves wine. In which, there are 2 products with 4-star OCOP products at the provincial level (Bac Son yellow tangerine, nep cai hoa vang rice). To improve the quality and value of these products, the District People’s Committee has directed the specialized department to implement many solutions.

Mr. Loc Quang Hoa, Vice Chairman of Bac Son District People’s Committee said “The number of OCOP products in the district is not much, but the district’s motto is not to follow the quantity but focus on improving the quality , increasing  efficiency and creating sustainability for OCOP products.

Accordingly, in addition to supporting packaging, labeling and traceability stamps for establishments, the District People’s Committee cooperates with the Department of Science and Technology to develop a program to support science and technology for businesses, cooperatives and private establishments that have OCOP products implement technical standards and regulations during the production and processing of products, thereby improving productivity and product quality; coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to organize training for farmers in building production models of agricultural products (tangerines, sticky rice) that ensure the correct production process according to VietGAP standards; Support establishments in promoting products…

Black Chung cake was wrapped at a trade fair in February 2021 in Thai Nguyen city

Mr. Duong Manh Thang, Director of Bac Son General Trading and Production Cooperative (Dong Dang village, Bac Quynh commune) said “Since the cooperative’s nep cai hoa vang rice product has been recognized as a 4-star OCOP product at the provincial level (in 2019). The cooperative was supported by the district to display and introduce products at fairs inside and outside the province. Thanks to that, many customers know about the product. In 2020, the cooperative’s rice consumption volume has reached nearly 400 tons. At this time, the district Department of Agriculture and Rural Development continues to accompany the cooperative in improving the quality of products. Accordingly, professional staff of the district’s Department of Agriculture and Rural Development regularly follow the glutinous rice growing area in Bac Quynh commune, instructing people in the process of planting and caring for sticky rice products to ensure quality and food safety.

Regarding in improving the quality of OCOP products, Mr. Duong Cong Hanh, owner of Mo Mam leaves wine production facility shared “After the product was recognized as an OCOP product, with the support and guidance of professional agency, my family continues to be interested in applying science and technology to production to ensure product quality and increase capacity and output. Specifically, alcohol products have been distilled according to the production process applying RO (reverse osmosis) technology filtration system, thereby remove some substances such as aldehydes, methanol… to ensure food safety and hygiene for consumers. Along with that, the bottle processing before finishing the product is also put into the dryer, suction system…

Thanks to the focus on quality, the value of OCOP products has increased 2 to 3 times in the past time. As the Bac Son nep cai hoa vang rice product, before the price was only 18 to 20 thousand VND/kg, now the price has increased to 30-35 thousand VND/kg; Mo Mam stream leaves wine product (product certified OCOP product in 2020) is now priced at 70,000 VND/liter, an increase of 40,000 VND/liter compared to before 2020… This clearly proves the right direction of Bac Son district in improving the quality as well as the value of local OCOP products.

Believe that, with the solutions proposed by the district, in the coming time, Bac Son’s OCOP products will be increasingly improved in quality and affirm the brand in domestic and foreign markets.