Friday,  09/20/2024

Spreading messages from the heart

– With the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, many officials and artists have appeared in the province to create works to encourage the anti- pandemic spirit of the people in many forms such as poetry, paintings, and autographs. Thereby, spreading positive messages and effects, creating trust and consensus of the people in joining hands to fight the COVID-19 epidemic.

In the early days of August 2021, we had the opportunity to talked with Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoa, Deputy Director of the Provincial Center for Disease Control, the author of the poem “The war without gunfire” which is attracting a lot of attention from many poetry lovers. Ms. Hoa said: I work in the medical profession, directly witnessing my colleagues’ hard work in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, so I am very touched and want to encourage and record some of those hardships. so that future generations can imagine this war. Stemming from that sentiment, I wrote the poem “The War Without Gunfire”.

“There were days that we cannot forget

About the war without a gunfire

About the “warrior” stood still in the battlefield

Left behind their child and parent…”

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoa – author of the poem “The war without gunfire”

Those are a few lines in the poem “The War Without Gunfire” that left a deep impression on us. The poem consists of 4 stanzas, each stanza includes 4 verses with meaningful content. Not only does the poem show the danger of the Corona virus and the hard work of forces on the front lines of disease prevention and control, but the poem also advises everyone to do well with the 5K message and be optimistic, believe in a bright tomorrow when the pandemic is under control… Through the poem, the author wants to convey the message that everyone should be united, join hands, and stand together to overcome the pandemic. In addition to the above poem, Ms. Hoa also composed many other poems with the theme of COVID-19 prevention and control such as: “Night without sleep”; “The promise I owe you”; “Do your best, Saigon”… Right after composed, her poems were posted on social networking sites and attracted hundreds of views and shares.

Not only Ms. Hoa, Ms. Loc Thi Kim Chi, an art teacher at Vinh Trai Primary School, Lang Son city, also has a set of paintings encouraging the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic, attracting the attention of many art lovers. The set of paintings consists of 4 pictures, respectively: “Thank you Vietnam”; “The whole world is taking the initiative to prevent and control COVID-19”; “Life” and “Find a vaccine against the Corona virus”. Sharing with us, she said: Although I am not a professional poster artist, I have created this series of paintings with my passion for painting and patriotism. Thereby, I hope everyone unites and joins hands in repelling the COVID-19 pandemic, and I hope that the medical industry will soon find a vaccine for COVID-19.

As an art connoisseur, when composing,Ms. Chi chooses the simplest expression that is closest to life to convey to viewers. Accordingly, the paintings are painted with simple, traditional images such as bronze drums, lotus flowers, etc., and are harmoniously colored with bright, eye-catching colors that make a strong impression on viewers. Not only being well received by the audience, the set of paintings is also a visual tool in teaching for her to inspire students to draw on the topic of COVID-19 prevention and control.

Ms. Hoa and Ms. Chi are just two of many officials, writers and artists in the province who have created works to encourage the anti-pandemic spirit of the people in many forms such as poetry, pictures, short stories, etc. Some significant works such as: “Lang Son on the frontline against COVID-19” diary by author Nguyen Duy Chien; The series of photos “Prevention and control of COVID-19 in Huu Lung district” by author Trinh Quoc Toan… The works were presented in many forms, but in general, they all show patriotism and call for solidarity. , join hands to repel the COVID-19 pandemic in the people.

Mr. La Ngoc Nhung, Chairman of the Provincial Literature and Art Association, said: Over the past time, the Provincial Literature and Art Association has always encouraged writers and artists to compose works on the topic of COVID-19 prevention and control. Just over a year, there have been nearly 100 works created by writers and artists in the fields of prose, poetry, music… In which, many works reflect vividly and realistically sacrifice, difficulties and hardships of soldiers on the front lines of the pandemic prevention and control were published and propagated in the Xu Lang Art Magazine. In the coming time, the association will continue to encourage writers and artists to create more works on this topic.

It can be said that the above works contribute to encourage the society to unite and have a strong belief which is join hand to defeat the pandemic. Hopefully, in the coming time, the cultural sector will pay attention and cooperate with authors to disseminate works to the masses, contributing to propaganda and promotion of disease prevention and control.