Friday,  09/20/2024

International conference on public – private partnership in building Lang Son Geopark

– On November 29, the Provincial People’s Committee in collaboration with the Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research, the University of Economics, Vietnam National University, Hanoi and the FNF Vietnam Foundation held the International Conference on Public-Private Partnerships in building Lang Son Geopark.

The conference was organized in the form of face to face meeting combined with online meeting with a number of international organizations in Vietnam.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee, and Head of Steering Committee for the building of Lang Son Geopark chaired the conference. Prof. Andreas Stuffers, Country Director of FNF Vietnam and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Bao Son, Vice President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi co-chaired the conference.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for the Building of Lang Son Geopark speaks at the conference.

Speaking at the conference, Professor Andreas Stoffers, Country Director of the FNF Vietnam Foundation and Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Bao Son, Vice President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi represent the unit co-chairing the conference affirmed that the building of a geopark not only brings great scientific and educational value, but also promotes the development of geotourism models and sustainable economic activities. The public-private partnership model in the building of a Geopark will allow for better screening and selection of partners, improving efficiency and sustainability in the delivery of public services. The development and building of a global geopark in Lang Son province is considered a typical example of this model.

At the conference, leader of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism introduced the Lang Son Geopark Building Plan and the components calling for public-private cooperation, including: overview of the Geopark; introduce heritage values ​​in Lang Son Geopark; main task of building and development of Lang Son Geopark.

Accordingly, Lang Son Geopark is expected to cover 5 districts (Bac Son, Binh Gia, Van Quan, Chi Lang, Huu Lung) with a total area of ​​3,845.8 km2, population 375,656 people, equivalent to about 46.3% of the area and 48.1% of population of the province with many values ​​of cultural heritage, geological heritage and biodiversity.

Dr. Nguyen Minh Thao, Head of the Department of Competitive Environment, The Central Economic Management Research Institute delivers a discussion

During the conference, the delegates discussed, shared experiences on the building of Lang Son Geopark and shared partners on promoting advantages and connecting to develop sustainable tourism, services and indigenous sustainable livelihoods, conservation of heritage, geological value and environmental resources.

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee highly appreciated the comments and sharing of scientists, experts, organizations and businesses. At the same time, he hopes that delegates, agencies, units, organizations and businesses will continue to give the province their attention and support and continue to support and cooperate in the coming time to propagate and promote the province tourism in general, and Lang Son Geopark in particular.

The Vice Chairman emphasized: Lang Son welcomes domestic and international agencies, organizations, enterprises and corporations to research and implement investment cooperation, sponsorship, and implementation of research and embellishment projects, conservation, restoration, raising public awareness about heritage, geopark, building of tourism infrastructure… From there, contributing to the building and development of Lang Son Geopark towards the goal of “Preserving cultural heritages, sustainable use of natural resources and mitigating the impacts of climate change associated with rapid and sustainable tourism development”.