Friday,  09/20/2024

Soldiers on the cultural front: 60 years of striving, accompanying the nation’s history

– As a unit in charge of organizing cultural and artistic activities of the province, over the past 60 years, generations of cadres, artists and actors of the Provincial Center for Culture and Arts have always tried to overcome difficulties and delicate unique art performances, making an important contribution to the cause of national liberation, national building and defense.

60 years ago, People’s Art troupe of Lang Son province, formerly known as The Art Propaganda Troupe (under the Department of Propaganda and Culture of Lang Son province) was established on September 2, 1961. In 1986, the troupe changed its name to the Performing Arts Troupe of Lang Son province. By 2018, the Performing Arts Troupe merged with the Cultural Center, became the Provincial Center of Culture and Arts.

Looking at the 60-year journey of building and development, generations of artists of the provincial Performing Arts Troupe have made great contributions to the revolution and national liberation, from the days of resistance war against the  American to the days of peace and renewal of the country with many performances showing the beauty of the land and the people of Xu Lang, creating the brand of the Performing Arts Troupe such as: The old man captured the commandos, the village boy set out, Lang Son in February, Khau mua na, Tong bao slao… These performances are associated with the contributions of many generations of famous artists such as: Ma The Vinh, Hoang Hong Minh, Hoang Tu, Vi To, Trieu Thuy Tien, Hoang Thu Huong…

Artists and actors of the Provincial Center of Culture and Arts perform a special musical performance in the thematic exhibition “Luong Van Tri’s life and revolutionary career” at the Lang Son Provincial Museum.

As one of the veteran artists with many contributions in performing arts in the province, People’s Artist Trieu Thuy Tien said: “In order to have unique works dedicated to the People, our artists have always tell ourselves to have enthusiasm and responsibility in arts and cultural activities, how to create works that not only leave a deep impression on the audience, but also have a strong cultural identity and express self-esteem, national pride, so that those works will live forever with time”.

With that spirit and responsibility, over the years, generations of artists and actors of the Provincial Performing Arts Troupe have made efforts to organize thousands of cultural and traditional programs. In particular, in the period of 2016 – 2021, the unit has organized over 100 unique cultural art programs to serve the important events of the province, in which many big programs made by the center themselves are highly appreciated such as: Art program opening the annual Spring Festival, the opening of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd  Xu Lang Peach Blossom Festival; celebration of the 110th birthday of Mr. Hoang Van Thu; “Through Viet Bac heritage regions” in 2019… Along with that, the unit organized more than 500 performances to serve political tasks and events of the province, attracting over 500,000 listeners and viewers. At the same time, the unit also organized many special performances and won high prizes in competitions, festivals, nationwide and regionally. Typically, from 2016 up to now, the center has won more than 70 collective and individual gold and silver medals.

With the achievements, the provincial Performing Arts Troupe has been awarded many noble awards by the State, typically: Second-class Labor Medal (2016), 4 emulation flags of the Provincial People’s Committee and hundreds of certificates, commendations of all levels and sectors. The delegation had 2 members conferred the title of People’s Artist and 5 members were conferred the title of Meritorious Artist. Thereby, they are making an important contribution to the overall achievement of the culture, sports and tourism industry.

Mr. Ha Ngoc Minh, Director of the Center for Arts and Culture affirmed: Following the success of many artist classes in the past 60 years, in the coming time, the center will continue to coordinate with central and local artists, choreographers and directors to build many quality and unique professional performances, serving a large number of people of all classes, striving to achieve high results at festivals and competitions to enhance the center’s position in the region and in the country. In particular, creating conditions for young artists and actors to cultivate and develop their careers.

Mr. Nguyen Phuc Ha, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism said: In the coming time, the department will focus on promoting the core role of talented teams of artist and actor. At the same time, the department will research and develop a number of policies for the force of artists and actors; talent attraction system. In particular, the department  research and propose to develop a project to establish an Ethnic Art Troupe in Lang Son province in order to improve the province’s professional art brand.

Not stopping at the age of 60, the center with unremitting efforts, believing that the professional performing arts activities of the province will continue to affirm its role and mission and make a mark along with the national history.