Friday,  09/20/2024

Promoting the spirit of “solidarity” in the trade union organization

– With the function of representing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of trade union members and workers, trade unions at all levels from the province to the grassroots always focus on social security work, promote the spirit of “solidarity”, raising the sense of responsibility of trade union members and workers to the community.

The whole province currently has more than 1,300 grassroots trade unions under the Provincial Labor Confederation with more than 41,000 trade union members and workers. Among trade union members and workers, there are many cases with extremely difficult circumstances. 2021 will continue to be a year with many difficulties due to the prolonged COVID-19 epidemic. Therefore, social security work is always one of the key tasks concerned by trade unions from the province to the grassroots level.

Ms. Be Thi Hoa, Standing Vice President of the Provincial Labor Confederation, said that in order to effectively implement social security activities, trade unions at all levels have well organized the propaganda and education for trade union members and workers about the moral tradition of “when you drink water, remember its source”, the spirit of “solidarity” and related contents and policies. Since then, trade unions have actively called for the participation and support of trade union members and workers for social security activities. In addition, trade unions at all levels regularly grasp the life and work situation of trade union members and workers to ensure timely and appropriate support, focusing mainly on cases of difficult circumstances, policy families, suffering from a serious illness, affected by the COVID-19 epidemic and so on.

The leader of the Provincial Labor Confederation presented two “Vietnam Trade Union Savings books” to the children of union members who died due to the COVID-19 epidemic

With clearly defined goals, tasks and ways of doing things, in 2021, by integrating in meetings, implementing via social networks (Facebook, Zalo), trade unions at all levels propagated, mobilized 100% of trade union members and workers to support all kinds of funds to carry out social security work. As a result, trade union members and workers in the province supported the Provincial Labor Social Fund with nearly one billion VND, various social funds for charity (for the poor, gratitude, etc.) with more than 5.2 billion VND and so forth.

Along with that, trade union officials have often been close to and grasped the thoughts and aspirations as well as the employment situation and life of trade union members and workers, especially those with extremely difficult circumstances such as illness, danger, labor accident, job loss due to the impact of the epidemic, no house or dilapidated house… to provide timely support to the right people. The Standing Committee of the Trade Union has also proposed to the superior trade union and coordinated with the authorities at the same level to implement practical measures to promptly encourage and help employees overcome difficulties and stabilize their lives.

As a result, in 2021, for the Provincial Labor Confederation’s Social Fund from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, enterprises and the Provincial Labor Confederation have appraised, considered and selected to support 1,022 trade union members and workers with a total budget of nearly 1,100.9 billion VND. Trade unions at all levels cooperated with the same authorities to visit, encourage and give gifts to nearly 30,000 turns of trade union members and workers with a total amount of over 11 billion VND; organized visits and support to medical units, inter-sectoral medical quarantine checkpoints and 278 trade union members and workers with difficult circumstances, working in epidemic areas with a total amount of 482 million VND; supported the program “Computer for children” with 2.5 billion VND; presented three savings books with a total value of 40 million VND to the children of trade union members and workers who died due to COVID-19 and so on.

Ms. Nong Thi Kim Hoa, a member of the Grassroots Trade Union of the Provincial General Hospital, said that her husband died early and she raises two young children alone, so family life is very difficult. The Trade Union, the hospital’s Board of Directors pays attention to creating favorable conditions for arranging a suitable job, ensuring income, regimes and policies according to regulations and organizing visits, giving gifts and providing timely support. Therefore, her family’s life is also less difficult, feeling secure at work, completing the assigned work well.

It is known that in the past year, a number of trade union organizations have well implemented social security activities, including Labor Confederations of districts: Cao Loc, Huu Lung, Van Quan; Trade Union of Bao Long Co., Ltd (Cao Loc district), Trade Union of Lang Son Transport Construction Consultant Joint Stock Company (Lang Son city)…Ms. Do Thi Gam, Vice Chairwoman of Van Quan District Labor Confederation said that in 2021, while mobilizing trade union members to contribute to the Provincial Labor Confederation’s Social Fund and other funds, they have reviewed, summarized and proposed the Provincial Labor Confederation to support four trade union houses with a budget of 120 million VND; visit and support five trade union members in difficult circumstances. Along with that, the grassroots trade unions organized visits and gave gifts to 600 cases of trade union members and workers in difficult circumstances, affected by the epidemic with an amount of over 220 million VND and over 2,000 Tet gifts worth over 640 million VND.

From the above social security activities, it can be seen that trade unions at all levels in the province have made great efforts when implementing activities, thereby actively arousing the spirit of “solidarity” among trade union members and workers, well promoting the role and function of the trade union organization, being really a reliable support for trade union members and workers, helping many people with difficult situations, contributing to ensuring social security and socio-economic development in the area.