Friday,  09/20/2024

Strengthening traffic safety during Tet

– According to the authorities, on the occasion before, during and after Tet holiday, the demand for traveling and transporting goods in the province will increase. In order to ensure the traffic safety, all forces, mainly the traffic police force in the province actively and systematically deployed measures.

Implementing the Official Dispatch No.1725/CD-TTg dated Decemter 13, 2021 of the Prime Minister and the directing document No.2140/UBND-KT dated December 21, 2021 of the Provincial People’s Committee ” On ensuring the traffic safety during Lunar New Year and Spring Festival 2022″ and carry out the high time of attack, crime suppression, ensuring traffic safety of the Minister of Public Security. From December 15, 2021, police force in local units, in which the core is traffic police force, has mobilized maximum forces and vehicles; closely coordinated with professional units, police of districts and city; simultaneously deployed troops; focused on patrolling and controlling on all traffic routes, especially on highway routes, ensuring timely prevention and strict handling of errors that are the direct causes of traffic accidents such as speeding, going on the wrong side of the road, swerving, driving after drinking alcohols…

Bac Son is a district with National Highway 1B running through with a length of over 40 km, on the occasion of the Lunar New Year, the traffic volume and people in traffic increases, potentially causing a great risk of traffic accidents. Lieutenant Colonel Hoang Van Chi, Captain of the traffic police unit, Bac Son Public Security, said: “Facing that situation, the unit has stepped up the communication, dissemination and education of the law on traffic safety for people and traffic participants. At the same time, the unit strengthening patrols, controlling and strictly handling traffic violations. Only from December 15, 2021 until now, the unit has coordinated with the Road Traffic Police unit of the Traffic Police Division of the Provincial Public Security Department to organize 53 patrol shifts on National Highway 1B, handling acts that are the main cause lead to traffic accidents. Thought the patrols, 196 cases (both cars and motorbikes) were detected and handled with major faults such as no driving license, alcohol concentration in breath when participating in traffic, carries more persons than the law specified…”

Traffic police force, Chi Lang district public security administratively inspect traffic participants in Dong Mo town, Chi Lang district

National Highway 1A, according to information from functional units, every day, the number of vehicles on the route at the time of Tet is nearly 7,000 vehicles of all kinds. Lieutenant Colonel Hoang Hong Phi, Captain of the Road Traffic Police Unit, Traffic Police Division of the Provincial Public Security Department said: “From now until the end of February 14, 2022, we will mobilize maximum forces and vehicles, closely coordinate with other functional forces to increase patrolling 24/7, strictly controlling all the routes , focusing on the behaviors that are the direct causes of traffic accidents; actively implement between handling violations and propaganda, in order to raise people’s awareness of obeying the Road Traffic Law. At the same time, all officers and soldiers need to thoroughly understand and follow the instructions of their superiors, effectively implement the peak period to ensure traffic safety during the Lunar New Year and Spring Festival 2022.

Not only in Bac Son district, on National Highway 1A, at present, the traffic police force in the  province focuses on drastic measures to ensure traffic safety and to minimize possible traffic accidents.

Colonel To Ngoc Dung, Deputy Head of the Traffic Police Division of Lang Son Provincial Police Department said: “According to the authorities, the time before, during and after the Lunar New Year, the demand for travel, trade and transport of goods of people and businesses will increase compared to other times. Facing with that situation, the province’s traffic police force will strengthen patrolling forces to ensure traffic safety on traffic routes. In which, focus on key routes and areas such as national highways: 1A, 1B, 4A, 4B, routes to the border gate…; strengthen the control for violations in terms of alcohol, drug and other violations such as speeding, going in the wrong part of the road or lane; avoid, overtake, stop and park in contravention of regulations; no driver’s license or invalid driving license; expired car…”

Accordingly, from December 15, 2021 to the end of January 6, 2022 alone, the province’s traffic police force checked 2,300 cases (both motorbikes and cars), thereby, detecting and issuing a decision to fined 863 cases; temporarily seized 346 vehicles, 338 papers; driving license revoked in 19 cases…

Mr. Hoang Van Thao, bus driver on Binh Gia – Lang Son route said: “Every year, on the occasion of the Lunar New Year, the travel demand of people and the number of vehicles participating in traffic usually increases compared to normal days. Therefore, to ensure traffic safety when traveling on the road, I always strictly follow the provisions of the Road Traffic Law, specifically: always follow the right part of the road, lane, do not accelerate, overtake carelessly, compete for passengers , especially do not use banned substances or alcohol, beer when driving vehicles in traffic…

With the drastic solutions of the Traffic Police, we believe that the situation of traffic safety in the area will always be maintained during this time of the Lunar New Year so that everyone and every home can be safe and happy.