Friday,  09/20/2024

Praising and honoring reputable people among ethnic minorities in the province in 2022

On the afternoon of December 26, the Provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs held a conference to praise and honor advanced examples and promote the role of reputable people among ethnic minorities in Lang Son province in 2022. Attending the conference were Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; representatives and leaders of a number of departments and sectors of the province; People’s Committees of districts, city and delegates are typical prestigious people in the province.

Delegates attended the conference

In 2022, the Provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs advised the Provincial People’s Committee to issue Decision No. 406/QD – People’s Committee dated March 10, 2022 approving 1,649 reputable people among ethnic minorities in the province. Along with that, policies towards reputable people continue to be implemented synchronously and fully by Party committees and authorities at all levels according to regulations, contributing to encouraging reputable people to actively promote their role. The total budget for implementing the policy in 2022 is over 2.4 billion VND to implement the following contents: providing newspapers, training, visiting, giving gifts on the occasion of the Lunar New Year, …

With the attention and facilitation of Party committees and authorities at all levels, with their prestige and influence, reputable people are always exemplary and active in propagating and mobilizing the People to well observe policies and guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State; participating in solving many complicated cases at the grassroots, being an active factor in denouncing, fighting against crimes and social evils, preserving the national cultural identity, contribute to strengthening the people’s trust in the Party and State.

At the conference, representatives of reputable people exchanged and shared experiences in propagating and mobilizing the People in the implementation of the national target program on building a new rural area; hunger eradication and poverty reduction; conciliation work; preserving traditional cultural identity…

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the conference

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee praised the great contributions of the contingent of prestigious people in recent years. He suggested that in the coming time, the contingent of reputable people should continue to promote the achieved results, actively propagate and mobilize ethnic minorities to well implement the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State, especially policies and laws on ethnicity and religion; exemplary, actively participate in emulation and patriotic movements and join the Party committees and authorities at all levels in building and consolidating the political system at the grassroots; build cultural life, preserve national cultural identity, eliminate backward customs and superstitions, build strong villages, hamlets and residential quarters.

He also suggested that all levels should strengthen the leadership, task orientation, content of activities for reputable people; regularly organize training courses on knowledge and skills on mass mobilization; provide information, socio-economic development situation, new guidelines and policies to reputable people, thereby, well implement the guidelines and policies of the Party and State on ethnic affairs, religion, contribute to the successful implementation of the goals set out by the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress.

Representative of the Provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs presented certificates of merit to typical reputable people in 2022

On this occasion, 60 typical reputable people with achievements in propaganda and advocacy for the implementation of the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in 2022 were honored and received certificates of merit from the Provincial Committee for Ethnic Minorities.