Friday,  09/20/2024

The 2023 Spring Meeting and the 14th Conference of the Joint Working Committee: Strengthening Cooperation – Promoting Development

On the morning of February 22, Ha Giang Provincial Party Committee organized  the 2023 Spring Meeting between the secretaries of the Provincial Party Committees of 4 provinces: Ha Giang, Lang Son, Quang Ninh, Cao Bang (Vietnam) and Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (China).

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Doan, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Lang Son Provincial Party Committee (seated in the middle) attended the 2023  Spring Meeting in Ha Giang

The meeting was organized in the form of an online connection from the connection point in Ha Giang province (Vietnam) to a number of connection points in China.

Attending the meeting at the connection point of Ha Giang province were Mr. Dang Quoc Khanh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Ha Giang province; Mr. Nguyen Quoc Doan, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Lang Son Provincial Party Committee; Mr. Ngo Hoang Ngan, Standing Deputy Secretary of Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee; Mr. Trieu Dinh Le, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Council of Cao Bang Province; representatives of the Central Committee for Foreign Affairs of Vietnam, leaders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam; leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee and leaders of departments, agencies and sectors of 4 border provinces in Vietnam.

Attending at the Chinese connection point were Mr. Liu Ning, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China; representative of the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China; Representative of Vietnam Embassy in China.

This is an annual activity between the five provinces and regions in order to strengthen cooperation, friendship and connectivity, improve the efficiency of comprehensive cooperation, and facilitate the exploitation of strengths and potentials of border localities of the two countries with the goal of mutual development.

At the meeting, leaders of 5 provinces and regions jointly evaluated the results of implementation of cooperation contents agreed in 2022 the Spring Meeting.

Accordingly, in 2022, Ha Giang, Quang Ninh, Lang Son, Cao Bang provinces (Vietnam) and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (China) promoted cooperation and achieve important achievements, which are reflected in a number of contents. In which, the two sides regularly organized friendly exchange activities between all levels and sectors; border management cooperation is enhanced; cross-border pandemic prevention and control cooperation has been implemented effectively; building cooperation, traffic connection is promoted; trade cooperation – investment, training, agriculture… continue to be focused on promoting; do well in coordination in inspection, control, regulation of traffic flow, setting up a safe “buffer zone” and “green zone” to ensure smooth import and export activities without interruption. As a result, the total import-export turnover between provinces and regions in 2022 reached 7.2 billion dollars.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Quoc Doan, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Lang Son Provincial Party Committee stated: From the common awareness achieved at the 2022 Spring Meeting, the friendly cooperation relationship between the 5 provinces – regions of the two countries Vietnam – China continues to develop positively. In 2022, the Lang Son Provincial Party Committee closely coordinated with the Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (China) to direct agencies and units of the two sides to coordinate in solving difficulties, created maximum conditions to restore and promote trade activities, import and export goods through border gates, and at the same time implemented cooperation in border management and crime prevention cooperation…

Delegates from Lang Son province attended the 2023 Spring Meeting in Ha Giang

Mr. Secretary of the Lang Son Provincial Party Committee proposed a number of solutions that need to be continued in the coming time in order to promote the achieved results. Accordingly, the provinces – regions continue to thoroughly grasp, consistently, and deploy cooperation contents in accordance with the spirit and common perception achieved by the leaders of the two parties and two states; well implement agreements on cooperation; continue to promote people-to-people exchanges and businesses; …

Leaders of four border provinces of Vietnam signed agreements with leaders of the Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China.

At the program, the parties agreed that in the coming time, the provinces and regions will continue to thoroughly implement the common perceptions reached between the senior leaders of the two Parties, the two States, especially the “Vietnam – China Joint Statement on further promoting and deepening the Vietnam – China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership”; promote the implementation of the “Memorandum of understanding on friendly cooperation between Provincial Party Committees of provinces and regions (period of 2022 – 2026)”; maintain and promote the effectiveness of the mechanism of the Spring Meeting between the Provincial Party Committee Secretaries – Region Party Committees and the Joint Working Committee Meeting between 5 provinces – region; implement friendly exchange activities; strengthen economic cooperation, trade, investment, border gate development, transport connection, industry, agriculture, forestry, health…; border management; exchange and cooperation in culture, sports and tourism.

At the meeting, leaders of 5 provinces – region signed the Minutes of the Conference and Agreement on cooperation in training cadres between the Provincial Party Committees – Region Party Committee.

Leaders of the four border provinces shook hands to show their determination to continue implementing comprehensive cooperation in the implementation of the contents in the coming time.

Also within the framework of the program, representatives of departments and sectors of provinces and region signed a number of cooperation documents.

* In the morning of the same day, after the 2023 Spring Meeting, Ha Giang Provincial People’s Committee chaired the 14th Joint Working Committee between 4 provinces: Cao Bang, Lang Son, Ha Giang, Quang Ninh (Vietnam) and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (China).

Attending the conference at the connection point of Ha Giang province were Mr. Hoang Gia Long, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of Ha Giang Provincial Joint Working Committee; Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of Provincial People’s Committee, Chairwoman of Lang Son Provincial Joint Working Committee; Mr. Bui Van Khang, Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of Quang Ninh Provincial Joint Working Committee; Mr. Trinh Truong Huy, Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of Cao Bang Provincial Joint Working Committee; leaders of departments, agencies and sectors of 4 border provinces of Vietnam.

Attending the conference at the Chinese connection point were Mr. Liao Pin Hu, Vice Chairman of the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China.

At the conference, the leaders of the 5 provinces and region evaluated the results achieved in implementing the contents of the minutes of talks, memorandums of understanding and cooperation agreements signed in the past time.

Accordingly, in 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic situation was basically under control and gradually transition to a safe and flexible adaptation strategy. The provinces and region have continued to effectively coordinate the prevention and control of cross-border pandemic and border gate development. In which, 4 border provinces of Vietnam have actively coordinated with Guangxi and China to implement procedures to soon announce the upgrade of border gates, create favorable conditions for trade activities between two sides; actively cooperate to build and connect traffic, cooperate in trade and investment development, cooperate in the fields of health, education, agriculture…

Speaking at the conference, Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of the Lang Son Provincial People’s Committee affirmed: In 2022, Lang Son province has actively coordinated with Guangxi (China) to effectively implement solutions for disease control and prevention, thereby serving as a premise for effective cooperation in economic fields, import and export activities of goods through border gates; actively cooperate in border management; promoted investment and upgrade the traffic system at a number of border gates; promoted cooperation in education and training, agriculture…

Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the conference

Mrs. Vice Chairwoman of the People’s Committee of Lang Son province suggested: In order to continue promoting cooperation, in the coming time, the two sides need to continue to promote the role of the Joint Working Committee, direct the effective maintenance of existing exchange and cooperation programs and mechanisms, promote and renew forms of exchange and cooperation activities of concerned agencies; continue to closely coordinate, promptly exchange and coordinate problems, especially those related to import and export activities between border gates…

At the conference, in the spirit of solidarity and friendship, the leaders of the 5 provinces and region discussed the contents, programs and plans to realize the agreed contents of cooperation. In which, in 2023, the two sides continue to coordinate to open and upgrade border gates; flexible implementation of solutions to promote two-way border trade; continue to implement cooperation in the fields of agriculture and forestry; continue to strengthen cooperation in crime prevention and control, immigration management, border management…