Friday,  09/20/2024

Acting President receives new Ambassadors of Switzerland, Malaysia, Cambodia

 Acting President Vo Thi Anh Xuan on February 22 hosted receptions for the Ambassadors of Switzerland, Malaysia and Cambodia to Vietnam who came to present their credentials.
Acting President receives new Ambassadors of Switzerland, Malaysia, Cambodia hinh anh 1Acting President Vo Thi Anh Xuan (right) and Swiss Ambassador Thomas Gass. (Photo: VNA)

Receiving Swiss Ambassador Thomas Gass, Xuan affirmed that Vietnam has always attached importance to its traditional friendship and cooperation with Switzerland over the past 50 years.

She proposed the two countries maintain the exchange of delegations at all levels, and continue to closely coordinate with and support each other at multilateral forums and international organisations.

The Acting President also suggested encouraging Swiss enterprises to do long-term business in Vietnam, especially in the fields of green growth, digital transformation, circular economy, finance – banking, insurance, manufacturing, hi-tech agriculture, and education – training.

Xuan proposed Switzerland, as the country with an important voice in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), continue promoting negotiations on the Vietnam – EFTA Free Trade Agreement to achieve practical results that are in conformity with the interests of both sides in the coming time.

Gass expressed his hope that the two countries will continue enhancing political relations, stepping up high-level meetings, and organising visits this year.

It is necessary to promote collaboration in education and trade, and people-to-people exchanges, he said, adding that he will help boost Swiss FDI inflows to Vietnam thanks to the country’s favourable investment environment.

At the reception for Malaysian Ambassador Tan Yang Thai, Xuan agreed with his proposal of stepping up delegation exchanges this year as the two countries are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties.

Acting President receives new Ambassadors of Switzerland, Malaysia, Cambodia hinh anh 2At the reception for Malaysian Ambassador Tan Yang Thai, Acting President Xuan agrees with his proposal of stepping up delegation exchanges this year. (Photo: VNA)

She proposed Malaysia create a safe and favourable labour environment for Vietnamese labourers in the country on the basis of an agreement on labour cooperation signed in March 2022.

Xuan also proposed speeding up negotiations towards the early signing of a memorandum of understanding on bilateral defence cooperation and work to build a cooperation agreement on ensuring cyber-security.

The Acting President appreciated and asked the two sides to maintain active coordination and mutual support at regional and international forums and organisations such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the United Nations.

The Malaysian Ambassador said that he will coordinate with the authorities of the two countries to organise activities in celebration of the 50th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties.

He asked authorised agencies to create more favourable conditions so that more and more Malaysians will visit or do business in Vietnam.

Welcoming Chea Kimtha – the first female ambassador of Cambodia to Vietnam, Xuan showed her belief that the diplomat will have a successful working tenure, thus contributing to fostering the bilateral relations.

Acting President receives new Ambassadors of Switzerland, Malaysia, Cambodia hinh anh 3Acting President Vo Thi Anh Xuan and Chea Kimtha – the first female ambassador of Cambodia to Vietnam. (Photo: VNA)

She affirmed that Vietnam always treasures and gives high priority to consolidating and enhancing its traditional friendship and all-around collaboration with Cambodia.

The Acting President proposed the two nations continue working with and assisting each other at regional and international forums, for the benefits of the two countries’ people, and for the development of ASEAN.

Chea Kimtha vowed to exert efforts to help step up the implementation of the signed cooperation agreement as well as people-to-people exchanges, and intensify communications for the two nations’ people, especially youths, to understand more about the bilateral relations and continue developing these ties./.
