Friday,  09/20/2024

Exchanging about educational work between four border provinces of Viet Nam and Guangxi (China)

– On September 9, the Department of Education of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (China) chaired and coordinated with Departments of Education and Training, Departments of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of provinces: Quang Ninh, Lang Son and Cao Bang, Ha Giang (Viet Nam) to hold an online conference to discuss educational work.

Attending the conference at the point of Lang Son province were representative leaders of and specialized staff from Lang Son’s Department of Education and Training, Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and high schools, College of Education and Vocational College.

Over the past time, implementing the program signed between the parties (in 2020), the exchange and cooperation in the development of education, training and vocational education has made a lot of progress. According to the report, currently universities and colleges in Guangxi (China) are providing training for more than 1,360 Vietnamese students (however, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, there are currently only 16 Vietnamese students studying directly in Guangxi). Along with that, the four provinces of Quang Ninh, Lang Son, Cao Bang and Ha Giang have also facilitated and granted scholarships to many Guangxi pupils and students who wish to study at universities in Viet Nam.

The leader of Lang Son Provincial Department of Education and Training spoke at the conference

For Lang Son province, from 2011 to now, 105 students have participated in university-level training and 32 officials, civil servants and public employees have participated in master-level training…under the scholarship program of the Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Along with that, every year Lang Son province maintains the granting of five scholarships for Guangxi students wishing to study in Viet Nam. From 2015 up to now, there have been 21 Guangxi international students receiving scholarships and studying at universities in Viet Nam.

At the conference, the delegates of the two sides exchanged and discussed issues in educational cooperation, especially the training of pupils and students between Guangxi and the four border provinces of Viet Nam; exchanging about vocational education, cooperation in vocational training for students of both sides; discussing the program of awarding educational scholarships to pupils and students; sharing how to organize educational work in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic; exchanging and cooperating in training and fostering teachers in vocational education; organizing internships and vocational training in Guangxi for pupils and students from border provinces of Viet Nam.

On the basis of  exchanging ideas, the two sides agreed to continue to maintain the signed contents and the regular exchange mechanism between the two parties; continue to implement the program of awarding scholarships to train officials, pupils and students; strengthen the organization of training teachers teaching Chinese and Vietnamese between the two sides; promote exchange of educational work between the universities of Guangxi and colleges and universities in the four border provinces of Viet Nam; establish a vocational education alliance to share and cooperate in vocational education and training. At the same time, the two sides will advise levels of authorities to allow overseas Vietnamese students (who have had two doses of Vero cell vaccine) to return to universities in Guangxi and overseas Guangxi students to return to Viet Nam to complete courses.