Friday,  09/20/2024

Renovating and embellishing monuments: Effective from different ways

– In order to preserve the historical and cultural values ​​of the relics, over the past time, the authorities and functional sectors at all levels in the province have paid attention to investing and renovating the relics with many resources and methods. Thereby, they bring a new look to many relics, contributing to the conservation and sustainable promotion of cultural heritage values.

At the end of May 2020, the project to restore and embellish the Memorial Area of President Ho Chi Minh in That Khe town, Trang Dinh district was completed with a total cost of over 2 billion VND. In addition to the newly built memorial stilt house of President Ho Chi Minh, the apperance of the Memorial Area has been renovated to become more spacious than before. The Memorial Area has become an attractive destination for many tourists.

This is just one of many relics that received attention in restoring in Trang Dinh district. Ms. Luc Thi Phuong, Deputy Head of the Culture and Information Division of the district said: “Recently, we have advised the District People’s Committee to issue documents to direct and guide the People’s Committees of communes and towns to establish and strengthen the management board of the monuments, strengthen the inspection and management of activities at the monuments… Accordingly, from 2016 up to now, the district has restored about 10 relics with a total budget of over 4 billions dong.”

Tourists donate money at the Fairy Pagoda relic, Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city

Similarly, in recent years, Huu Lung is also a district actively investing in and renovating relics. Mr. Khong Hong Minh, Head of the District Culture and Information Division, said: “Huu Lung currently has 84 relics, of which 12 are at provincial level. In the past time, in addition to advising on the establishment of the Relic Management Board at the grassroots level, my division has coordinated with agencies and mass organizations to carry out propaganda activities, mobilizing organizations and individuals to join hands to contribute to the restoration and embellishment of relics. Thanks to that, from 2016 to now, the district has restored and embellished 9 relics with a total budget of over 8 billion VND, of which, 8 billion VND came from the socialization source.

Not only Trang Dinh and Huu Lung, over the past time, many districts and city in the province have made great efforts to preserve and promote the value of relics, such as Lang Son city, Bac Son, Chi Lang district, etc According to the statistics of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism (, the province currently has 335 relics in the list for review, of which 130 are ranked. From 2016 to now, the whole province has had 79 times of relics restored and embellished with a total cost of over 130 billion VND. In 2020, the whole province has 13 relics to be restored with a budget of over 40 billion VND, of which socialization sources account for 80% (up 60% compared to 2016). In particular, from the beginning of 2021 up to now, districts and city have been actively restoring and embellishing relics, typically Lang Son city has restored 3 relic sites and 1 relic area with a total budget of over 25 billion VND…

In order to get those results, over the years, the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People’s Council and Provincial People’s Committee have paid attention to leading and directing the preservation and promotion of the value of the relics, considering it as one of the key tasks to preserve and promote cultural heritages. In particular, on the basis of Resolution No. 25 dated August 31, 2016 of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on “Preserving and promoting the cultural heritage values ​​of Lang Son province in the period 2016 – 2020 and the following years”, all levels, sectors, especially the Culture, Sports and Tourism sector has actively promoted the value of relics such as propagating and disseminating to the People the provisions of the law on management, restoration and embellishment of relics; promoting the propagation of the Law on Heritage; mobilizing social resources…

Notably, since 2018, following the policy of the province, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has guided districts and city to establish relic management boards of districts and smaller levels. Up to now, 100% of relics have been decentralized to the smaller levels, helping localities to be much more proactive in preserving and promoting the value of relics.

Mr. Nguyen Phuc Ha, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism said: “In the coming time, we will continue to coordinate with relevant agencies and units to well implement Conclusion No. 28-KL/TU dated December 31, 2020 of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on continuing to implement Resolution No. 25-NQ/TU on conservation and promotion of the cultural heritage value of Lang Son province in the 2016-2020 period and the following years. At the same time, we will actively research and concretize tasks and solutions in Conclusion No. 28-KL/TU into the scheme of preserving, embellishing and promoting the value of the system of historical – cultural relics and scenic spots in Lang Son province in the period of 2021 – 2030.