Friday,  09/20/2024

Online singing associations and groups: Promoting mass art movement

In the current digital age, the development of social networks has created a new playground for cultural activities. Taking advantage of the live streaming function on social networking platforms, singing associations and groups were established and developed, creating opportunities for thousands of music lovers to connect, share and express their singing interests, thereby contributing to promoting the mass art movement.

Founded in February 2021, the Facebook page “Singing Passion Club” of Thien Hoa Commune, Binh Gia District, was established with 6 members. Ms. Hoang Thi Dinh, leader of the Singing Passion Club in Thien Hoa Commune, Binh Gia District, said: At that time, all cultural and artistic activities had to be suspended due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to meet the needs of myself and my friends for cultural exchange, and to ensure the distance during the pandemic, I established the club.

Up to now, Thien Hoa Commune Singing Passion Club has over 1,800 members. It is known that the Singing Passion Club in Thien Hoa Commune, Binh Gia District is one of the first online singing groups established in the province. In order for the group to operate in a methodical and orderly manner, the group members elect the management board and agree to build the group’s rules. At the same time, the members of the management board are also in charge of connecting and communicating to ensure regular operation. Using Facebook’s live stream function, every day, group members will register and go live on the group to perform cultural performances according to the schedule arranged by the management board. Up to now, although activities have returned to normal after the pandemic, the club still regularly maintains 2 or more cultural programs every day in the form of live streaming.
If in 2021, on the Facebook platform, there are only 8 groups and groups that love singing, so far, according to a survey of reporters, on the Facebook platform, the whole province currently has about 20 online singing associations and groups established by the nucleus of the arts in communes and towns in the province. On average, each association or group has 600 or more members (the highest is over 4,000 members/group). In which, some groups have a large number of members such as: Binh Gia Arts Club in my hometown; Love Singing Club of Van Lang District ; Bac Son love singing and connecting club; Huu Lung Lang Son – Me and you singing together club… Associations and groups are constantly increasing in number as well as members because anyone with a passion for music can join singing groups and connect with their community.

Members of the Singing Passion Club in Thien Hoa Commune, Binh Gia District in Lang Son City gathered to live stream the musical program on the group’s Facebook page

Mrs. Phung Thi Pin, Pac Cu village, Thanh Long commune, Van Lang district, a member of Van Lang Love and Singing Club said: “I love to sing, but I’ve never had a chance to go on stage. Joining the club, I have the opportunity to perform and be watched and cheered by many spectators, I also have the opportunity to exchange and meet people with the same passion. Thereby, I am more bold, in the coming time I have the motivation to actively participate in cultural and artistic activities of the village and commune.”

In addition to daily cultural programs, on the occasion of the celebration of major holidays of the province and the country, some clubs also organize online cultural programs by theme, organize live cultural exchanges … On average, each year, it is estimated that members of online associations and groups have performed over 4,000 cultural performances through live streaming on Facebook groups. Performances are widely shared in the community, attracting interest and suggestions from many people. Thereby, it has create conditions for the development and widespread dissemination of the mass cultural movement in the province.

A member of Van Lang district’s Love Singing Club live streamed his performance on the group’s Facebook page

Mr. Phan Van Hoa, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism said: If during the time of the pandemic, this form of online activities and cultural exchanges contributes to the continuous maintenance of the mass cultural movement, then at present, this form is also suitable with modern trends, contributing to promoting the mass cultural movement at grassroots level. In the coming time, we will learn, make statistics and have an orientation to perform and exchange activities on the Facebook social network on healthy and civilized groups. Since then, professional agencies also have the opportunity to discover new cultural and artistic nuclei to build cultural movements at grassroots level.

Online singing associations and groups on Facebook attract a large number of music lovers by creating a playground to exchange, share and showcase musical talents appropriate to the times. Thereby, it has inspire and contribute to spreading the love of art, making the art movement among the people in the province become more vibrant and richer.