Friday,  09/20/2024

Opening the cultural and folk club of Mong ethnic in Cao Minh commune, Trang Dinh district

On June 30, the Organizing Committee of the model of building 10 traditional and folk clubs for ethnic minorities in the province in 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) held a meeting to report the results of the model and the Opening ceremony of cultural and folk club of Mong ethnic in Cao Minh commune, Trang Dinh district in 2023.

The folk song performance by the students in the class

During the meeting, the delegates listened to a report on the result of building the model of clubs. Accordingly, on June 9, the Organizing Committee opened a class to teach different types of cultural and folk activities of Mong ethnic group in the commune including folk song of Mong ethnic group, staging a performance of traditional costumes of the Mong people…

Performance of traditional Mong ethnic costume by the students in the class

After nearly 3 weeks, students have mastered basic knowledge and skills and well performed the types they have learned. During the meeting, the delegates watched 12 performances by the students as the reports on their learning results. The students of the class are the core members of the model.

Leader of the club receive the decision to open the club and the financial support for the club

At the meeting, the leader of the People’s Committee of Trang Dinh district presented the decision to open cultural and folk club of Mong ethnic in Cao Minh commune, Trang Dinh district with 45 members to the leaders of the club. The Organizing Committee also presented the club with a number of costumes, props, etc. with a budget of over 70 million VND in order to serve the club’s activities.

The club was created according to the plan of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism on building 10 models of cultural and folklore clubs to implement project number 06 under the National Target Program for Socio-economic Development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas by 2023, contributing to the preservation of culture and folk art, improving cultural and art performance skills, preservation and promotion of cultural values in Trang Dinh district.