Friday,  09/20/2024

Preserving relics in Loc Binh: Contributing to preserving traditional culture

Loc Binh is a land containing many historical and cultural relics associated with the development of Lang Son. Over the years, Loc Binh District People’s Committee, with many positive solutions, has gradually preserved the system of relics in the area, thereby contributing to preserving traditional culture.

Official of Tu Doan commune cleaned the altar at the relic of Trung Thien pagoda, Tu Doan commune, Loc Binh district

In the mid-July 2023, we had the opportunity to return to the relics of Trung Thien pagoda, Dinh Chua village, Tu Doan commune. Coming here, we were really surprised by the spaciousness of the temple after being restored and embellished.

Mr. Lanh Van Kien, Vice Chairman of Tu Doan Commune People’s Committee, Head of Trung Thien Pagoda Management Board said: Last year, the pagoda was restored and repaired a few items such as repainting the walls, fixing the tiled roof, buying new bells, merit boxes, altar lights… from the socialization source of about 70 million VND. Trung Thien Pagoda was built in 1680 by Duke Vi Duc Thang, from Khuat Xa Commune, Loc Binh Chau (now Khuat Xa Commune, Loc Binh District). This is both a place to worship Buddha and a place to worship Duke Vi Duc Thang, who was instrumental in building the temple. During the period of 1945-1950, the pagoda is the place where the provisional People’s Committee of Chau Loc Binh was established and a solid communication point of the Chi Lang guerrilla area, contributing to the historic Border victory.

Leaving Tu Doan commune, we went to the relic of Vang Khac communal house, Khon Tra village, Thong Nhat commune, one of the famous relics worshiping Ky Cung river god of Lang Son province. Currently, thanks to the attention of the district government and the People, tourists near and far, the communal house has been newly built in the back area with a total cost of nearly 1.2 billion VND; In 2023, the communal repaired the money offering booth, two rows of “lang houses” (Ta vu and Huu vu) and a number of other items with a total cost of more than 400 million VND.

Mr. Dinh Van Hoa, keeper of Vang Khac communal house said: “My family and I here are very happy since the communal house has been renovated spaciously and cleanly. For us, Vang Khac communal house has great meaning, has protected our villagers spiritually. Every day, we often come here to clean and sanitize, ensuring that the relic is dignified and clean.

Not only the above two relics, currently, according to the inventory of relics of the Provincial People’s Committee, Loc Binh district has 22 sites and relic sites, of which, there are 4 historical sites; 9 architectural and artistic monuments; 4 archaeological sites; 5 scenic monuments.

Over the years, the work of preserving and promoting the value of relics has always been implemented by the People’s Committee of Loc Binh district with many positive solutions. Specifically, in 2019, the District People’s Committee issued Decision No. 3395/QD-UBND on the establishment of the Loc Binh District Relic Management Board consisting of 32 members, in which Mr. Vice Chairman of the District People’s Committee in charge of the field of culture – society is the head of the board. For the commune level, the District People’s Committee has directed the People’s Committees of communes with relics to establish and strengthen the management boards. Up to now, there are 11 commune-level relics management boards with a total of 146 members. Along with that, every year, the District People’s Committee also directs relevant agencies to promote propaganda about the Law on Cultural Heritage and the protection and promotion of heritage values to the People in many forms such as: through written instructions, oral propaganda, on the loudspeaker system and through festivals… In the last 3 years, relevant units in the district have organized 500 propaganda sessions with over 100,900 listeners and viewers. Through this, contributing to enriching the spiritual life of the people and preserving the value of cultural relics in the province.

In addition, the District People’s Committee also focuses on the restoration and protection of relics in the area. From 2019 to now, the District People’s Committee has issued documents directing the zoning and protection of a number of relics such as: Relic of high point No.424 in Yen Khoai commune, Vi Van Dinh ancient house (private house), Ban Chu well (Khuat Xa commune), Vang Khac communal house (Van Mong commune), Coc Lung relic (Xuan Duong commune) … In the year 2022 and the first 6 months of 2023, the District People’s Committee has called for the socialization source to restore and embellish 3 relics with a total budget of more than 1 billion VND.

Mrs. Pham Minh Hue, Head of Culture and Information Division of Loc Binh district said: In the coming time, we will continue to advise the District People’s Committee to well implement the management, protection and promotion of the value of historical relics and scenic spots in the area; strengthen the management and protection of monuments, attach the responsibilities of all levels and authorities at the grassroots level, in protecting and promoting the value of relics. In the immediate future, from now until the end of 2023, the division will advise the District People’s Committee to complete the dossier of Khau Ngoa communal house (Thong Nhat commune) to submit to the Provincial People’s Committee for ranking the provincial relic.