Saturday,  09/21/2024

Building new rural infrastructure works: “Golden time” to accelerate

(LSO) – At this time, many new rural infrastructure works (NRIWs) in the province urgently start to be constructed as well as accelerated.

In the first months of 2020, due to unfavorable weather, heavy rain as well as the Covid-19 epidemic, the progress of implementing NRIWs in the province has been quite affected. It is soon to be the rainy season, therefore, the time from May to date is considered the “golden time” to deploy construction of the infrastructure works.

Mr. Be Van Ly, Director of Binh Gia District Construction Investment Project Management Board said: ‘At the beginning of the year, due to the impact of weather as well as the epidemic, NRIWs in the district have not been constructed. However, during that time, the district has focused on deploying the work of investment preparation. Hence, when the weather was favorable, the construction was quickly be started. If in mid-May of 2020, the district couldn’t start any works, so far, the province has commenced building 13/15 works, on average each project has reached about 30% progress. In order to speed up the progress, the Management Board regularly goes directly to the works to inspect and urge the construction units to accelerate the construction progress as well as promptly remove obstacles arising during the implementation process’.

Construction of cultural house in Y Tich commune, Chi Lang district

Similarly, NRIWs in Chi Lang district are also being urgently implemented. Mr. Ngo Van Manh, Head of Construction Team (Hung Son Construction Investment Company Limited), doing a cultural house in Y Tich commune, Chi Lang district said: ‘Taking advantage of favorable weather, the company is now mobilizing 16 workers (in the next few days, there may be more people, working overtime) to concentrate on constructing the rough part and roofing in the next few days. When the roof is finished, if there is unfavorable weather, it is still possible for workers to carry out the works inside, which progress will be guaranteed. Taking advantage of the sunny days, for nearly a week, Thong Nhat Cooperative, the construction unit of Nam Lan 1 – Nam Lan 2 road, Y Tich commune, Chi Lang district, mobilized dozens of workers with full equipment and machines for concreting the road’. Mr. Le Duc Anh, Deputy Director of the Chi Lang District Construction Investment Project Management Board, said: ‘Along with the two works of the commune cultural house and roads, in 2020, in Y Tich commune (the model commune striving for meeting new rural area standard in 2020), there are 12 NRIWs under construction, so far, the average progress is over 65% of the volume, some of which are over 90%.

Along with the two districts mentioned above, some other districts in the province have started and focused on speeding up the NRIWs. By June 11, 2020, the province has started 85/129 NRIWs construction. The average progress of the works is over 40% of the volume. For works that have not yet been started, the districts are now focusing on completing the procedures and expect to start construction in June 2020.

Mr. Hoang Dang Dung, Deputy Chief of New Rural Building Coordination Office, said: ‘In order to ensure the progress and quality of the works, the leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee and leaders of departments and sectors regularly come to the field to check the reality to know the implementation situation as well as remove difficulties and obstacles in the implementation process. Most recently, from mid-May to early June 2020, leaders of the Provincial New Rural Building Coordination Office and departments and sectors has directly inspected in districts. Through the inspection, they were timely informed about the progress of implementation in districts, especially in the model communes. For districts with slow progress in construction of NRIWs such as Cao Loc and Trang Dinh, departments and sectors have proposed solutions to coordinate, support and remove obstacles, thereby urging to start the construction. Regarding the works that have started, the relevant units have also increased the direction to the contractor to speed up the progress and ensure the quality of the works. With the close attention of the province, the initiative of districts and communes, it is hoped that by 2020, the progress of NRIWs will be ensured according to the proposed plan, making an important contribution to the successful implementation of building new rural targets in 2020 in the province.