Saturday,  09/21/2024

Solving difficulties for businesses: Effectiveness from dialogue

– In order to improve the business investment environment, create conditions for businesses to develop, over the past time, departments, sectors, districts and city have systematically implemented many solutions. In which, dialogue is one of the effective solutions to listen to and promptly remove difficulties for businesses.

Up to April 2021, the whole province had more than 3,300 enterprises, with a total registered capital of over 28,000 billion VND. Enterprises operate with diversified industries and fields, creating jobs for nearly 60,000 workers in the area …

However, in the process of operation, businesses still encounter difficulties and problems in areas such as site clearance, land, credit, environmental issues, labor… In order to promptly know and support enterprises to overcome these difficulties, the Provincial People’s Committee has directed relevant agencies and units to systematically implement solutions which focus on dialogue.

Bac Son district is one of the typical units in conducting dialogues with enterprises and cooperatives. Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thieu, Chairman of the District People’s Committee said: “Organizing dialogue is one of the channels to receive information, listen, and then have timely solutions to remove difficulties for businesses. Through dialogue activities, in 2020 and 2021, the District People’s Committee has satisfactorily resolved 77 proposals of businesses in the area.”

Business representatives spoke at the meeting of enterprises, cooperatives and investors in Cao Loc district in 2021

Not only Bac Son district, implementing the direction of the Provincial People’s Committee, from the beginning of 2020 up to now, all levels and sectors of the province have held 20 dialogue conferences with enterprises. In which, the Provincial People’s Committee held 2 meetings; 11 districts and cities each organized 1 meeting; departments, sectors organized from 1 to 2 meeting depending on their own characteristics, functions and tasks.

Thanks to listening and accompanying through dialogue, solving difficulties for businesses in recent years has achieved many positive results. Specifically, from the beginning of 2020 up to now, functional departments and sectors have removed difficulties in site clearance for 55 projects; resolved 26 proposals of businesses related to administrative procedures in the field of land; solved difficulties in capital, extending and lowering interest rates for 199 businesses affected by the Covid – 19 epidemic; resolved 10 petitions of businesses and Business Associations related to currency, credit, capital, interest rates …

In 2021, in order to focus on solving difficulties for businesses more effectively, the Provincial People’s Committee has directed departments, sectors, and People’s Committees of districts and citiy to carry out dialogues on particular topics. Only in April 2021, units such as Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Provincial Confederation of Labor, State Bank of Vietnam in Lang Son province, People’s Committee of Lang Son city, People’s Committee of Cao Loc district … consecutively opened dialogues on particular topics with many businesses in the province. At each conference, from 20 to 40 opinions and recommendations of businesses were recorded. Many opinions of the business community have been quickly resolved during and after the dialogue.

For example, regarding the project of building Phuc Khang technical infrastructure and factories in the non-tariff area (Tan My commune, Van Lang district), Mr. Dang Van Tung, Deputy Director of Huu Nghi Phuc Khang Investment Company Limited said: “Through the dialogue, the company was accompanied by departments, sectors, especially the People’s Committee of Van Lang district, supported in setting up landmarks for implementation planning, land acquisition, and identification of the origin of land owners to speed up the tallying progress to prepare compensation plans for site clearance; they also directed specialized departments and divisions to quickly resolve administrative complaints, helping us to shorten a lot of time …”

Not only Huu Nghi Phuc Khang Investment Company Limited, through many dialogues, the difficulties of other enterprises in the province were also promptly resolved by departments and sectors. Mr. Ho Phi Dung, Chairman of the Provincial Business Association, said: “Over the past time, Provincial Business Association has been together with departments, sectors, districts and city to hold regular bilateral and thematic dialogues. The dialogue has been increasingly effective and extensive. Through dialogue, the difficulties of enterprises are resolved quickly and promptly. As a bridge between businesses and the government, in the coming time, Provincial Business Association will continue to actively find out the situation of member enterprises, synthesize difficulties and problems and propose ask all levels and sectors to solve them through dialogue conferences.”

It is believed that in the coming time, the companionship between the government and the business community will have been more effective, contributing to improving the business investment environment, attracting more domestic and foreign investors.

The good implementation of the dialogues in recent years has made an important contribution to solving difficulties for businesses. Thereby, it creates confidence for businesses to feel secure to invest in production and business expansion. From 2017 up to now, the whole province has more than 1,500 newly established enterprises, with a total registered capital of over 12,000 billion VND; the business community has paid nearly 2,500 billion VND to the State budget.