Friday,  09/20/2024

The leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee inspected the implementation of socio-economic development plans in the districts

– On March 9, the provincial delegation led by Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, inspected the implementation of the socio-economic development plan, the state budget estimate in 2022 and COVID-19 prevention and control in Huu Lung district.

According to the report at the meeting, implementing directing documents of superiors, the People’s Committee of Huu Lung District issued the Decision on the assignment of planning targets and the state budget estimate in 2022 in accordance with regulations.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspected the production development model in Tan Thanh commune

Through the first two months of 2022, the implementation of the socio-economic development plan targets in the district has achieved positive results. The preparation and planting of the spring crop has been carried out according to the plan; budget revenue has reached 33.7 billion VND, equaling 27.6% of the estimate assigned by the province, up 79% over the same period in 2021.

Regarding new-style rural building, up to now, in the district, 8/23 communes have met standards; on average, each commune achieves 14.17 criteria, an increase of 1.07 criteria compared to 2021. In 2022, the district strives to have two more communes meeting new-style rural standards, including Ho Son and Van Nham (to date, both communes have met 13/19 criteria).

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and the delegation inspected the site of preparation for infrastructure construction in Ho Son commune.

Besides, the field of culture – society is concerned and directed; guaranteed social security; administrative reform, implementation of the Index of Competitiveness Improvement and Digital Transformation have still achieved positive results; the situation of security, order and social safety is basically stable.

For the COVID-19 prevention and control, the district continues to actively implement the strategy of “Safe adaptation, flexibility, effective control of the COVID-19 epidemic” in accordance with the direction of superiors; continue to strengthen the work of information and propaganda to raise people’s awareness, not to be subjective and negligent in epidemic prevention and control. Up to now, in the district, 74,358/75,075 people aged 18 years and older and 11,155/11,443 people aged 15-17 have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and so on.

At the inspection, representatives of some provincial departments and agencies, Huu Lung district discussed and clarified some contents related to resources, ways to implement new-style rural criteria that have not been met; improve the professional skills of commune accountants; consolidate and improve the quality of cooperatives; development of industrial zones; strengthen the COVID-19 prevention and control; improve revenue efficiency, combat loss of budget revenue and so forth.

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the inspection session in Huu Lung district

highly appreciated the initiative and positivity of Huu Lung district in promulgating and implementing socio-economic development programs and plans, and the state budget estimate in 2022 and pointed out a number of shortcomings and limitations that need to be overcome, such as a number of specific un-delivered amounts; there are still problems in site clearance for some projects; land violations are still high and so on.

Regarding the upcoming tasks, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested that Huu Lung district need to focus on successfully implementing assigned tasks. In which, it is required to continue to focus on developing production models, applying science and technology to production; determined to bring Ho Son and Van Nham communes to meet new-style rural standards, pay attention to building advanced rural communes, model rural communes, model residential areas, model gardens; focus on restoring the development of trade, services and tourism; well implement the propaganda of site clearance; strengthen collection of tax arrears, fight against loss of revenue in the field of transport, private construction and effectively exploit revenue from land.

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee visited and encouraged the family of F0 cases in Tan Thanh commune, Huu Lung district

In addition, the district should continue to pay attention to housing issues for people with meritorious services; focus on vocational training for rural workers; promote socialization of health and education; continue digital transformation in all areas and so on.

Regarding the COVID-19 prevention and control, he asked Huu Lung district to focus on directing mobile COVID-19 vaccination, injecting unvaccinated cases; prepare vaccination plans for children aged 5-11 years; pay attention to caring, treating F0 cases at home; pay attention to epidemic prevention and control in schools; care about medical waste treatment and so forth.

* On the same day, the delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee led by Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspected in Cao Loc district.

According to the report, in 2022, Cao Loc district sets out 15 socio-economic indicators. In the first two months of 2022, agricultural and forestry production in the district has remained stable; people have cultivated land for the winter-spring crop of 92 hectares; in the early spring, they planted 24,500 trees of all kinds, equivalent to 45 hectares. In 2022, Cao Loc district strives to bring Thuy Hung commune to meet new-style rural standards, up to now, the commune has achieved 12/19 criteria on new-style rural building. The situation of trade and service development, market prices in the area is relatively stable, there are no goods with sudden price increases.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the meeting

State budget revenue in the district in two months is over 61 billion VND, reaching nearly 17% of the estimate assigned by the province, equal to 72% compared to the same period in 2021. Culture – society, defense – security and order and social safety, traffic safety, foreign affairs are implemented effectively.

For epidemic prevention and control, the district has actively implemented the strategy “Safe adaptation, flexibility, effective control of the COVID-19 epidemic”. Up to now, the whole district has had nearly 99% of people over 18 years old receiving the 2nd injection, the 3rd injection reaching 79%; 89% of children aged 12 to 17 years have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

At the inspection, the delegates focused on discussing a number of issues such as strengthening disease control, prevention and combat in border and inland areas; drastically implement the work of site clearance, invest in the construction of works in the commune, striving to meet new-style rural standards; ensure the quantity and quality of teachers; prevent illegal labor across the border and so on.

Concluding the inspection session, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested Cao Loc district to further strengthen propaganda to change people’s thinking in production and economic development; focus on promoting local strengths; build value chains of key products; pay attention to the effective implementation of the OCOP program.

The Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee (the 2nd person from the left) and the delegation inspected the construction of rural roads in Thuy Hung commune

For epidemic prevention and control, the district needs to actively implement the strategy “Safe adaptation, flexibility, effective control of the COVID-19 epidemic”. In the implementation of the new-style rural building program, the district needs to actively implement the plan, in which, continue to propagate and raise people’s awareness.

Along with that, the district needs to continue to accelerate the progress of projects and disbursement of public investment capital; pay attention to site clearance; strengthen the management of land, natural resources and environment… At the same time, it is requested to pay attention to strongly improving the business investment environment; focus on reviewing and fully exploiting revenue sources; prevent and combat smuggling and commercial fraud; continue to well perform socio-cultural work; maintain political security, social order and safety and so on.

* Also on March 9, the provincial delegation led by Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspected in Trang Dinh district.

At the inspection, leaders of Trang Dinh District People’s Committee and Quoc Viet Commune People’s Committee reported to the delegation on the implementation of the socio-economic development plan, the 2022 state budget estimate and the new-style rural building program.

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the inspection session

Accordingly, from the beginning of 2022 until now, the socio-economic development and the state budget estimate in 2022 in the district have been implemented in accordance with regulations, including 14 groups of indicators that are closely related to the targets assigned by the province, no content has been assigned late or not been assigned. Specifically, the district has allocated capital construction investment capital of 20,967 million VND, of which, the source specified in Resolution No.16/2021/NQ-HĐND is 10,927 million VND (by the Provincial People’s Committee’s assigned capital source), revenue from land use is 10,040 million VND (over 2,000 million VND compared to the capital allocated by the Provincial People’s Committee) and so forth.

Along with that, the inspection of planning targets and state budget estimates for communes and townships has been carried out urgently and seriously, so far, 22/22 communes and townships have been inspected, in which, inspection has been carried out at 11 units; inspected 11 units through the report. Through the inspection, the communes and townships have strictly implemented the assignment of estimates according to regulations, set up socio-economic development targets in line with the common goals of the district and the actual situation in the locality.

The provincial delegation surveyed the reality of supplying macadamia varieties of Lien Viet Lang Son Joint Stock Company in Ban Slào village, Quoc Viet commune

With the COVID-19 prevention and control, the district regularly captures, evaluates and assesses the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic to take timely measures; strictly implement the direction of the Spring Vaccination Campaign in 2022 to ensure targets and safety; communes and townships have reviewed and made a list of children from 5 to 11 years old to be vaccinated as planned when vaccines are given and so on.

For Quoc Viet commune, up to now, the commune has achieved 9/19 criteria on new-style rural building. Before that, the delegation went to survey the actual supply capacity of Macadamia varieties of Lien Viet Lang Son Joint Stock Company in Slào village, Quoc Viet commune; model of growing macadamia and sand ginseng at household scale in Na Linh village, Quoc Viet commune.

Speaking at the inspection, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee noted that in the coming time, the Party committees and authorities of Trang Dinh district must continue to have effective solutions to lead and direct socio-economic development adapted to the COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control in the new situation. Especially, it is requested to focus on implementing key tasks in 2022 approved by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee; accelerate the new-style rural building from the beginning of the year, mobilizing the contributions of businesses and people; bring into play the specific advantages of economic development in agriculture and forestry; coordinate production and consumption of products for black jelly plants, cinnamon plants, forming a large production area to supply the market and so on.