Friday,  09/20/2024

The first meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the 17th term

(LSO) – On October 23, Mr. Lam Thi Phuong Thanh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee chaired the first meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the 17th term, tenure 2020 – 2025.

Attending the meeting were Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council; Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee. From central level, there were representatives of the Office of the Party Central Committee, the Central Organizing Commission, and the Central Inspection Committee.

At the meeting, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee listened to and commented on 12 issues. In particular, the delegates focused mainly on discussing and giving opinions on the Draft Directive of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on studying, grasping and implementing the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress, tenure 2020 – 2025; Draft Report on the implementation of Resolution No. 19-NQ/TU dated 11 July, 2016 of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on continuing to strengthen investment promotion in the 2016-2020 period.

Mrs. Lam Thi Phuong Thanh, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee spoke at the meeting

Regarding the Draft Directive of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on studying, grasping and implementing the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress, tenure 2020 – 2025, delegates focused on clarifying its content. At the same time, they proposed and commented on directions, methods, time to learn, grasp and implement the resolution. The delegates also suggested that after issuing the Directive, it was necessary to issue a plan to implement the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress, tenure 2020 – 2025.

Regarding the Draft Report summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 19-NQ/TU, dated July 11, 2016 of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on continuing to strengthen investment promotion in the 2016-2020 period, the delegates suggested that the report should clearly state the results of the province in investment promotion, further clarifying the limitations affecting the investment attraction of the province.

Concluding these two contents, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee pointed out that issuing the Directive of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on studying, grasping and implementing the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress, tenure 2020 – 2025 was necessary, clearly demonstrating the direction of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee in studying, grasping and implementing the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress, tenure 2020 – 2025 to officials, people in the province. However, the directive should be short, concise, easy to understand, especially the directive’s content must show the innovation in learning, grasping and implementing the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress. This activity should be done at all levels. Implementation would be in the fourth quarter of 2020. In addition, it is necessary to continue to strengthen propaganda about the thorough grasp and implementation of the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress, tenure 2020 – 2025.

Regarding the content of the Draft Report on implementation of Resolution No. 19-NQ/TU, dated July 11, 2016 of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee proposed that the content of the report should clearly confirmed the province’s efforts in investment promotion through promoting administrative reform, strengthening administrative discipline, issuing preferential policies etc. Regarding tasks and solutions to promote investment in the coming period, the drafting agency should closely follow to the objectives and targets of the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress, tenure 2020 – 2025.

In the agenda of the meeting, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee also listened to and commented on some draft Directives, draft Report of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee,.

Concluding the meeting, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee highly appreciated the drafting agencies and units making the draft directive, draft reports. She also emphasized that the draft contents presented at the meeting as well as comments at the meeting were quite comprehensive and close to each specific content. However, with a number of drafts, the drafting agencies need to continue to supplement and complete for early promulgation.