Friday,  09/20/2024

Provincial leaders attended the Great National Unity Festival in Lang Son city and Van Lang district

(LSO) – This afternoon (November 1st), Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council attended the Great National Unity Festival in Khon Khuyen hamlet, Mai Pha commune, Lang Son city.

Khon Khuyen hamlet has 194 households with 837 people, including 4 ethnic groups of Tay, Nung, Kinh, and Cao Lan. Implementing the campaign “Everyone unites for new rural development and advanced urban”, villagers have focused on developing production to increase their income; the rate of cultural family by 2020 reaches 95.3%. Besides, people in the hamlet unite to build a clean and beautiful landscape; follow the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies and laws; stay united, provide mutual assistance, promote the tradition of “when you drink water, think of the source”, “repaying debts of gratitude”, “spirit of solidarity” …

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council speaking at the festival

Speaking at the festival, the Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee praised, recognized and highly appreciated the results that the people of Khon Khuyen hamlet had achieved in recent years.

The expected that in the coming time, Khon Khuyen hamlet will continue to promote the achieved results, work together with the spirit of solidarity, mutual support in life, motivate and help difficult households to rise up together.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council presented gifts to Khon Khuyen hamlet, Mai Pha commune

He suggested that the Fatherland Front Committee at all levels, especially the Working Committee of the Residential Fatherland Front Committee of Khon Khuyen hamlet, continue to strengthen, gather and unite the people, promote the strength of the great national solidarity; actively implement conventions, agreements, prevent crimes and social evils; strive to maintain the achieved criteria and titles of cultural residential areas and cultural families, contributing archive socio-economic development targets and tasks of Mai Pha commune, Lang Son city and of the province in 2020 and the following years.

* On the same day, Mr. Nong Luong Chan, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province attended the Great National Solidarity Festival at Tham Me A – Tham Me B hamlet residential area, Na Sam town, Van Lang district.

Tham Me A – Tham Me B residential area has 195 households with 770 people, including 4 ethnic groups of Tay, Nung, Kinh, and Hoa.

The leader of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front Committee of Lang Son province presented gifts to the people of Tham Me A- Tham Me B residential area inter-residential area

Over the past years, the Working Committee of the Residential Fatherland Front Committee of the hamlet has promoted its role of gathering and uniting to mobilize the people to well implement the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies and laws, contributing to making obvious changes in the appearance of the residential area. The social security, order and safety in the area has been stabilized, and there is no conflict and disunity in the residential area.

The people of the two hamlets have brought into play their internal strengths for economic development, proactively applied science and technology to production, contributing to improving the quality of life. Up to now, there are no households of food shortage in the residential area, over 90% of households are cultural families.

The leader of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front Committee of Lang Son province presented flowers to congratulate Tham Me A- Tham Me B residential area

Speaking at the festival, the leader of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province expected that in the coming time, the people of the two hamlets continue to promote the strength of the great national solidarity, promote the implementation of campaigns, patriotic emulation movements, especially the campaign of ” Everyone unites for new rural development and advanced urban “, at the same time continue to develop the economy and improve life quality.