Friday,  09/20/2024

Delegates of the National Assembly of Lang Son province give opinions on thrift practice and fight against waste

Overview of the discussion session in the hall of the National Assembly deputies

On June 2, continuing the working program of the 3rd session of the 15th National Assembly, the National Assembly deputies continued to discuss in the hall the results of the implementation of the Socio-economic Development Plan and the state budget in 2021; summarize the implementation of Resolution No. 42/2017/QH14 on piloting bad debt settlement of credit institutions; the approval of the state budget settlement in 2020 and the practice of thrift and anti-waste in 2021.

Speaking at the hall, delegate Luu Ba Mac, Delegation of the National Assembly of Lang Son province gave comments on the practice of thrift and anti-waste in 2021. Accordingly, the delegate agreed with the content of the submitted reports and said that in the past year, the Government and relevant agencies have paid great attention, responsibility and systematic in leading, directing and organizing fully, actively, withfocus, publicity and transparency measures to practice thrift and anti-waste.

On the basis of 6 contents proposed to focus on discussion by the Finance and Budget Committee, delegate Luu Ba Mac gave some additional comments and recommendations. Specifically, the delegate proposed to the Ministry of Science and Technology to soon issue economic – technical norms for public administrative services under the detailed list of public administrative services funded with the state budget, under the field of state management of the Ministry of Science and Technology. This content is prescribed in Decision No. 2099/2017/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister and Circular No. 21/2019/TT-BKHCN of the Minister of Science and Technology.

According to the delegate, it has been 5 years since the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 2099 was issued and it has been 3 years since Circular 21 of the Minister of Science and Technology was issued. Currently, specialized agencies under the Provincial People’s Committee are still waiting and do not have enough grounds to advise on the development and submission of the Provincial People’s Committee to promulgate regulations on economic and technical norms of public non-business services using the state budget under the state management of the Ministry of Science and Technology according to its competence as prescribed in Articles 20 and 21 of this circular.

Delegate Luu Ba Mac, Delegation of the National Assembly of Lang Son province gave a speech to contribute ideas to the work of thrift practice and anti-waste in 2021 at the hall.

Delegate Luu Ba Mac also suggested to the Prime Minister to soon promulgate a list of basic and essential public administrative services in sectors and fields to have a basis for reviewing and arranging public non-business units, according to regulations specified at Point a, Clause 2, Article 19 of Decree No. 120/2020/ND-CP of the Government stipulating the establishment, reorganization and dissolution of public non-business units. Because according to delegates, currently localities are facing difficulties in implementing this content. Specifically, it is about determining the minimum number of people working in public non-business units according to the provisions of Point d, Clause 1, Article 5 of this Decree. Because we have to wait for the list issued by the Prime Minister.

For the group of contents on PAR, thrift practice, and anti-waste in the organizational apparatus, payroll, delegate Luu Ba Mac proposed to the Government to have an appropriate solution to strengthen the internal self-inspection for the implementation contents of Directive No. 10/CT-TTg dated April 22, 2019 of the Prime Minister on strengthening handling and effectively preventing the situation of harassment and trouble for people and businesses in solving work. This solution aims to speed up administrative reform, associate thrift practice and fight waste with the fight against corruption.

In order to effectively implement thrift practice and combat waste, delegate Luu Ba Mac also proposed to the Ministry of Education and Training to have solutions to put practical content to save and combat waste in teaching or to integrate it into lessons appropriately in experiential activities,  extracurricular or regular programs at educational and training institutions. Thereby, it will contribute to promoting propaganda and education to raise awareness in thrift practice and waste prevention for students. This solution can contribute to building a culture of thrift practice and anti-waste in society in the near future.