Friday,  09/20/2024

The Provincial Delegation of NA discusses in group on the bill amending and supplementing a number of articles of Law on Radio Frequency and Law on Petroleum (amended)

The NA deputies of the Discussion Group No.19 discussed in the group about the bill amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Radio Frequency and the Law on Petroleum (amended)

On the afternoon of June 3, continuing the 3rd meeting session of the 15th NA, Lang Son Provincial Delegation of the NA discussed in group with the Delegations of the NA from Thai Binh and Binh Duong province (Discussion Group No.19). Mr. Ngo Dong Hai, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of Thai Binh Provincial Delegation of NA, Head of Discussion Group No. 19 and Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of Lang Son Provincial Delegation of the NA, Deputy Head of Discussion Group No. 19 jointly moderated the discussion.

According to the program, the NA deputies of the three provinces focused on commenting on the bill amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Radio Frequency and the Law on Petroleum (amended). Basically, the NA deputies think that it was necessary to amend these two bills because these were both risky activities; Regarding international practices, the clearly stated regulation also creates favorable conditions for investors…

Deputy Luu Ba Mac, Provincial Delegation of NA made comments on the bill amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Radio Frequency

Speaking at the group discussion, Deputy Luu Ba Mac, the Provincial Delegation of NA gave some opinions on the bill amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Radio Frequency. With regard to Policy 1 on Completing regulations on the management of radio frequency resources on licensing mechanism, he suggested that the drafting agency should consider, study, adjust or add additional criteria and conditions for stricter and clearer regulations. At the same time, he also recommended choosing words to create an information connection between the provisions of a number of specific clauses in the bill.

With regard to Clause 4, Article 20a on re-issuance of license to use frequency bands, Deputy Luu Ba Mac suggested that the drafting agency consider and add the phrase “setting specific criteria for determining the effectiveness” instead of the phrase “determining effectiveness and adjusted the content in into “The Minister of Information and Communications shall set specific criteria for determining the effectiveness of using frequency bands and channels” for better understanding.

Deputy Luu Ba Mac also said that, at point a, Clause 14 of the bill on amending Clause 2, Article 45, he asked the drafting agency to consider amending the phrase “presiding and asking for opinions” to “presiding, cooperating with” revise it into “In case the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Public Security wish to use radio frequencies for national defense and security purposes in addition to radio frequencies already allocated, the Ministry of Information and Communications shall preside and coordinate with the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security in reporting to the Prime Minister for decision.

Deputy Pham Trong Nghia, Lang Son Province Delegation of the NA debates at discussion session on labor activities, career orientation and vocational training for prisoners outside prison

Earlier, in the morning of the same day, the NA discussed at the hall about piloting the model of organizing labor activities, career orientation and vocational training for prisoners outside prison. Debating at the session, Deputy Pham Trong Nghia, Lang Son Provincial Delegation of the NA, said that, labor activities, career orientation and vocational training for prisoners outside prison should be consistent with international conventions. According to him, in terms of public-private relations, world experience showed that many countries even assigned prisons to the private sector to manage, therefore, the private sector’s participation in the execution of sentences, including the labor activities was an international precedent.

Deputys cited Clause 3, Article 1 of the Draft Resolution, which clearly stated that “Inmates participating in labor, career orientation and vocational training activities outside prison must be on a voluntary and equal basis, and be partly paid and have the rights and obligations as prescribed by the Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments. Thus, voluntariness was emphasized and affirmed in the draft Resolution, in accordance with the provisions of Convention 29 on forced and compulsory labor of 1930 and other international conventions.

In addition, he also suggested that the agency in charge of the verification should consult with the Office of the International Labor Organization in Hanoi; the scope of the pilot should be limited to the domestic production sector, the pilot sample should be limited to 10% of the prisons, and the pilot period should be 3 years.